
ICE Compiler

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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby PT_ » 14 Oct 2016, 20:42

I just want to say that Sprite() is finished, but I'm now busy with huge optimization in it! The sprite command looks like Sprite(x,y,width,height,data) where data is in the same form as ExecHex(, so it compiles every 2 bytes to a byte (color). I'm currently busy with HUGE optimization in the routine, because I could optimize it a lot when for example y is a constant, or the width etc, so I need a different routine for that. ;)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby PT_ » 17 Oct 2016, 21:36

Mateo (and I) discussed another (better) way to handle custom tokens, instead of replacements of existing tokens, just use something like det(0) or det(43), for *every* C graphic function. I would like to hear other thoughts about this? Personally I like it, because the custom tokens are pretty limited, and this looks like xLIBCE, which looks like BASIC. What do you think?
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby PT_ » 22 Oct 2016, 18:18

Time for some new important updates!

  • I've added in 54 C functions (all the functions from the graphics lib, without the ones that used pointers or so), so that's going pretty well.
  • ICE now displays a "#" in front of the name if the program is archived.
  • Added If:Else:End, I was trying to make ElseIf too, but that didn't succeed yet.
  • Multiplication with a number <= 20 is now a better routine, instead of the normal "ld bc, * \ call __imulu"
  • As some of you may know, I've added a screen that asks whether to compile with C libs or not. The C functions are not compatible without the C lib, and I think I won't even add them. If you select "Yes" but you don't use any C function, it won't assume you compile with the C libs.
  • Fixed a bug with strings, that if you close a string without a " but an enter, it crashes.
  • I'm thinking about a new way to insert the custom tokens in the program editor. Instead of showing an OS menu when pressing [TRACE], I want to clear the screen, display ALL the C functions (size += 1000) , and that the user selects one and then the data will be inserted. I had the idea from Epharius' PHASM, and since that's open-source with a nice license, I can take a look over there ;)
  • Maybe I gonna implement the FILEIO and KEYPAD libs too, with another token like real(5 etc.

I'm busy with a real game, so yet no screenshots :)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby Adriweb » 22 Oct 2016, 18:27

That's... a lot of functions... :o

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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 22 Oct 2016, 19:43

Indeed, keep doing good work :)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 23 Oct 2016, 13:22

Good job PT_ :bj:
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby Epharius » 23 Oct 2016, 18:32

I had the idea from Epharius' PHASM, and since that's open-source with a nice license, I can take a look over there

I will be happy to help you if you have any issue or if you want to know how it works (maybe the code is a bit weird and scaring) ;)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby PT_ » 31 Oct 2016, 13:46

Nope, I'm not done yet, but I made this:


108 vs 381 bytes.

(Source: http://tibasicdev.wikidot.com/sierpinski-triangle )
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby grosged » 31 Oct 2016, 14:57

Hey PT_, if you need help for optimising (eg sprite function...) , just ask me ;)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Unread postby PT_ » 01 Nov 2016, 13:41

grosged wrote:Hey PT_, if you need help for optimising (eg sprite function...) , just ask me ;)

If I need help, I will ask you :)


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