
PineappleCAS - A generic CAS targeted for the TI-84+ CE

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PineappleCAS - A generic CAS targeted for the TI-84+ CE

Unread postby squishy » 01 Aug 2019, 04:15


You might know me from the Symbolic Derivative Project. I thought I could do better so I am working on a CAS (computer algebra system) for the TI 84+ CE. It is nearly done and I want to tease a little bit about the progress and work I still have to do before it is released. It is called PineappleCAS and you can check it out here: https://github.com/nathanfarlow/PineappleCAS

It can already simplify algebra identities and like terms, manipulate complex numbers, expand things (A+B)(B+C) or (A+B)^8, evaluate large constants like 2 * 3 ^ 1001 or 100! that the calculator cannot do normally, and can take derivatives that are completely simplified and beautifully exported to avoid necessary multiplication signs or parentheses and look way better than the result of the previous project.

You will be able to pass arguments to PineappleCAS from a TI BASIC program to operate on algebra from within a TI BASIC program.

The only thing that I need to finish is the TI-BASIC interface.

Here are some screenshots:

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Re: PineappleCAS - A generic CAS targeted for the TI-84+ CE

Unread postby Adriweb » 01 Aug 2019, 13:54

Congratulations, I have been following this great project for a while ! and I am happy to have contributed to a (very) little part :P

It will definitely get featured on the front-page at some point 8-)

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Re: PineappleCAS - A generic CAS targeted for the TI-84+ CE

Unread postby squishy » 02 Aug 2019, 18:28

Thanks for all your support on the project Adriweb :)
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Re: PineappleCAS - A generic CAS targeted for the TI-84+ CE

Unread postby Hamza.S » 02 Aug 2019, 18:58

congratulations @squishy :)
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Re: PineappleCAS - A generic CAS targeted for the TI-84+ CE

Unread postby ___De2290___ » 08 Aug 2019, 21:19

time for me to pass math
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Re: PineappleCAS - A generic CAS targeted for the TI-84+ CE

Unread postby squishy » 11 Aug 2019, 00:11

PineappleCAS v1.0 is released! You can download it here: https://github.com/nathanfarlow/PineappleCAS/releases
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Re: PineappleCAS - A generic CAS targeted for the TI-84+ CE

Unread postby Adriweb » 11 Aug 2019, 11:26

Awesome, congrats :D

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Re: PineappleCAS - A generic CAS targeted for the TI-84+ CE

Unread postby Hamza.S » 13 Aug 2019, 17:41

HI ! (sorry for my English)

I test PCAS, I saw that it had nDeriv according to expressions and it don't calculate the derivative, for example :
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Re: PineappleCAS - A generic CAS targeted for the TI-84+ CE

Unread postby squishy » 15 Aug 2019, 20:12

That's definitely a bug I'll have to fix. Whoops! As a workaround, you can also simplify Y2 to Y2 and it should finish evaluating that derivative.
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Re: PineappleCAS - A generic CAS targeted for the TI-84+ CE

Unread postby squishy » 23 Aug 2019, 21:37

Thanks for the report! I fixed it and released a new version v1.1. You can download it at the GitHub release page. If you find any more bugs, feel free to open an issue on the GitHub because that will alert me to it much quicker than here :)
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