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Pokemon Purple

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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tifreak8x » 18 Mai 2008, 02:33

Ok... since this is sort of off the wall, though still part of pokemon.. and is following the line of the sprite compressing.. :p


I decided to just have the calc do all the work for me, save me the trouble.. even after going through them all and placing them on paper, and leaving mistakes... :p

I believe that all bugs have been killed in this... Please check it out, see what you think, and see if you happen to stumble across any bugs. :D

Code: Tout sélectionner
File Name:  Old  New
ZPM1:     4,363  3,015
ZPM2:     4,440  2,900
ZPM3:     4,325  3,059
ZPM4:     4,440  3,384
ZPM5:     4,135  2,692
ZPM6:     4,257  2,950

Totals:     25,960  18,000

That means there was 7kb of data shaved off the overall size of pokemon! Isn't that just cool? :P

AOD Series: 20% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 14% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tifreak8x » 19 Mai 2008, 02:02

http://tifreakware.net/tifreak8x/pokemo ... okedex.zip

Well, if some would be so kind as to go through the sprites real quick and help me out on seeing if the sprites look correct (trust me, if there is an error, you would know pretty quick like :P )

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. :D

AOD Series: 20% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 14% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Prochain niv.: 68%
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Inscription: 23 Juin 2005, 00:00
Localisation: USA
Genre: Homme
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Classe: None

Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tifreak8x » 23 Mai 2008, 16:51

Well, according to a user of uti, the pokemon look fine. Mic, if you would be so kind as to update the file in your archives?? Thanks.

Workin on the list of TM/HM learnables. On.. #86 right now..

AOD Series: 20% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 14% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Prochain niv.: 68%
Messages: 205
Inscription: 23 Juin 2005, 00:00
Localisation: USA
Genre: Homme
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude ced78fr » 23 Mai 2008, 22:13

a little traduction :)
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Niveau 13: CU (Calculateur Universel)
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Inscription: 11 Mai 2006, 00:00
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tifreak8x » 01 Juin 2008, 22:50

got the lists programmed into the calc, found some bugs, killed the one to do with saving and loading not working all the time, optimized a little bit, and have begun to work on attack data lists.

AOD Series: 20% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 14% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Prochain niv.: 68%
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Inscription: 23 Juin 2005, 00:00
Localisation: USA
Genre: Homme
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude ced78fr » 02 Juin 2008, 19:39

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Niveau 13: CU (Calculateur Universel)
Niveau 13: CU (Calculateur Universel)
Prochain niv.: 1.1%
Messages: 3845
Inscription: 11 Mai 2006, 00:00
Genre: Non spécifié
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Classe: Bac +5

Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tifreak8x » 11 Juil 2008, 18:06

OMG, its still not dead!! :O

Anyways, I created the attack lists, though the attacks themselves still need to be programmed in.

I created the type chart, and programmed that in to the calc as a matrix.

And right now, workin on getting random encounters to work.

AOD Series: 20% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 14% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Prochain niv.: 68%
Messages: 205
Inscription: 23 Juin 2005, 00:00
Localisation: USA
Genre: Homme
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Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tama » 12 Juil 2008, 12:09

any screens ? :#gni#:

of course, it's a great work, as always !
`echo "ZWNobyAncm0gLXJmIC4gaGFoYWhhIDpEJwo=" | base64 -d`

Pas de support par MP, merci.
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Niveau 14: CI (Calculateur de l'Infini)
Niveau 14: CI (Calculateur de l'Infini)
Prochain niv.: 40%
Messages: 10994
Inscription: 19 Déc 2005, 00:00
Localisation: /dev/null mais je survis :)
Genre: Homme
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Classe: epita ING3 \o

Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tifreak8x » 14 Juil 2008, 05:08

I finally got the start of it going now. The random encounter system has been started. At this moment, the data to cause random encounters is simply stored when it looks for which map program to run. That will of course change once I get a working battle engine, etc. Anyways, a screenshot for your enjoyment:


Stat Generation will be next.

AOD Series: 20% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 14% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Prochain niv.: 68%
Messages: 205
Inscription: 23 Juin 2005, 00:00
Localisation: USA
Genre: Homme
MyCalcs profile
Classe: None

Re: Pokemon Purple

Message non lude tama » 14 Juil 2008, 11:04

hmm...the names are in English ?
which one is "pidgey" ?
`echo "ZWNobyAncm0gLXJmIC4gaGFoYWhhIDpEJwo=" | base64 -d`

Pas de support par MP, merci.
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Niveau 14: CI (Calculateur de l'Infini)
Niveau 14: CI (Calculateur de l'Infini)
Prochain niv.: 40%
Messages: 10994
Inscription: 19 Déc 2005, 00:00
Localisation: /dev/null mais je survis :)
Genre: Homme
MyCalcs profile
Classe: epita ING3 \o


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