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Re: [FR] Langage C sur ez80 - Mémo, rappels & tutoriels

Very nice work Wistaro! :D So the toolchain has had quite a ton of updates, including RTC support, more OS integration, and many other neat things that you will definitely want to explore. (hint: look at tice.h) Perhaps the most important is the release of v3 of the fileio library, which now allows ...
de MateoConLechuga
26 Oct 2016, 07:03
Forums: Langages alternatifs
Sujet: [FR] Guide du langage C sur ez80 (TI-83 PCE/ 84+CE)
Réponses: 86
Vus: 42765

Re: ChessCE - joue aux échecs contre ta TI-83 Premium CE !

The actual game is not the screenshot. That is an old debugging thing.
de MateoConLechuga
26 Sep 2016, 21:12
Forums: News TI-z80 (TI-73, 76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86)
Sujet: ChessCE - joue aux échecs contre ta TI-83 Premium CE !
Réponses: 17
Vus: 10646

Re: [FR] Langage C sur ez80 - Mémo, rappels & tutoriels

The toolchain has been updated to change a bunch of things, so it might be worth taking a look :)

Toolchain: https://github.com/CE-Programming/toolc ... ses/latest
Libraries: https://github.com/CE-Programming/libra ... ses/latest
de MateoConLechuga
21 Sep 2016, 02:43
Forums: Langages alternatifs
Sujet: [FR] Guide du langage C sur ez80 (TI-83 PCE/ 84+CE)
Réponses: 86
Vus: 42765

Oiram CE

Been working on a Mario game in C for the TI84+CE/TI83PCE. The animated frames are redrawn every 3rd frame, tilemap is running around 34-33fps currently, and uses the OS input routine, which is also really slow and can be greatly improved. I'm very optimistic about speed currently :D Tilemap editor ...
de MateoConLechuga
11 Sep 2016, 05:04
Forums: Langages alternatifs
Sujet: Oiram CE
Réponses: 30
Vus: 13437

Re: CE Clock, l'horloge-chrono tout-en-un pour ta 83 Premium

Awesome job; this looks very nice indeed. Also to grosged for the sweet segment display :D
de MateoConLechuga
21 Mai 2016, 03:57
Forums: News TI-z80 (TI-73, 76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86)
Sujet: CE Clock, l'horloge-chrono tout-en-un pour ta 83 Premium CE
Réponses: 5
Vus: 2306

Re: Bientôt un compilateur C en ligne pour TI-83 Prem CE / 8

Rather than having people worry about the hassle of installing those libraries; they are now simply included in the release in the CEDev/lib/ce folder

https://github.com/CE-Programming/toolc ... s/tag/v4.1
de MateoConLechuga
20 Mai 2016, 20:52
Forums: Actualités
Sujet: Bientôt un compilateur C en ligne pour TI-83 Prem CE / 84+CE
Réponses: 133
Vus: 46224

Re: Logo indétecté sur Cesium

You probably just have an outdated version of Pac-Man :) You can download the latest version here: https://www.cemetech.net/programs/index ... cManCE.zip
de MateoConLechuga
20 Mai 2016, 17:11
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Logo indétecté sur Cesium
Réponses: 6
Vus: 1237

Re: [CE Projet ASM]Lecteur de texte avec caractères spéciaux

The ti_Detect routine has two arguments: search_pos and search_string. search_pos is a pointer to the current place you are located in the variable allocation table. When you pass it to ti_Detect, it is modified to point to the next place to start searching, so that way you can find every variable. ...
de MateoConLechuga
20 Mai 2016, 16:05
Forums: Langages alternatifs
Sujet: [CE Projet ASM]Lecteur de texte avec caractères spéciaux
Réponses: 41
Vus: 14966

Re: [CE Projet ASM]Lecteur de texte avec caractères spéciaux

I have updated the fileio library to version 2.0, which includes the ability to search for files that begin with a certain sequence of bytes. This will probably eliminate the need for slots, and also help with creation :) Here's the relevant function: ti_Detect(void **search_pos, const char *search_...
de MateoConLechuga
19 Mai 2016, 22:56
Forums: Langages alternatifs
Sujet: [CE Projet ASM]Lecteur de texte avec caractères spéciaux
Réponses: 41
Vus: 14966

Re: Nouveau défi 2048 en C pour ta TI-83 Premium CE

The libraries are currently be worked on, so they may have caused a little issue right now. When did you update the libraries?
de MateoConLechuga
19 Mai 2016, 22:01
Forums: News TI-z80 (TI-73, 76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86)
Sujet: Nouveau défi 2048 en C pour ta TI-83 Premium CE
Réponses: 23
Vus: 7088

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