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Re: How to enter the startX of the linux(for the nspire)?

But I don't know how to compile the kernel. Can you teach me? The information given by the first link and some posts on the original omnimaga linux thread (I can't find now) should be enough, it's not hard. And now,I haven't entered the startx successfully.I stuck here(look the picture). The keyboa...
de Vogtinator
15 Aoû 2014, 01:24
Forums: Native: Ndless, Linux, ...
Sujet: How to enter the startX of the linux(for the nspire)?
Réponses: 41
Vus: 14118

Re: How to enter the startX of the linux(for the nspire)?

If you want to use WLAN, you need a self-compiled kernel and the suitable firmware. (http://hackspire.unsads.com/wiki/index.php/Linux#Kernel and https://github.com/Vogtinator/nspire-linux-configs/blob/master/kernel/.config) The older root filesystem with gnuplot has some config utilities like "...
de Vogtinator
14 Aoû 2014, 13:18
Forums: Native: Ndless, Linux, ...
Sujet: How to enter the startX of the linux(for the nspire)?
Réponses: 41
Vus: 14118

Re: How to enter the startX of the linux(for the nspire)?

Which combination of root and kernel are you currently testing?
de Vogtinator
14 Aoû 2014, 01:41
Forums: Native: Ndless, Linux, ...
Sujet: How to enter the startX of the linux(for the nspire)?
Réponses: 41
Vus: 14118

Re: How to enter the startX of the linux(for the nspire)?

In this post I refer to your MSD, USB storage, whatever, as /dev/sda. If you don't replace it with the correct path, you'll lose most of your data, so be careful. Create a partition layout (MSDOS partitions) like /dev/sda1 512MB ext4 /dev/sda2 256MB swap , the partitions can be larger, of course, do...
de Vogtinator
13 Aoû 2014, 14:37
Forums: Native: Ndless, Linux, ...
Sujet: How to enter the startX of the linux(for the nspire)?
Réponses: 41
Vus: 14118

Re: iostream et STL

Compiling with -Os may indeed lose GDB with the optimizations. It shouldn't. The only thing that could happen are weird jumps around in the code. But crashes occur to me only if I detach or I attach to a running program. You have to compile first, than launch gdb, connect to nspire_emu, then send t...
de Vogtinator
31 Mar 2014, 21:04
Forums: Native: Ndless, Linux, ...
Sujet: iostream et STL
Réponses: 118
Vus: 30088

Re: iostream et STL

Excale, do you mean pre-reserving memory space for Ndless programs? I'm not sure it's a good idea as this space would be lost for OS use. And how much should be reserved this way? Anyway a 7M allocation on 64M system is much. Would bFLT library support help? or nl_exec() to run another program? ( h...
de Vogtinator
30 Mar 2014, 12:31
Forums: Native: Ndless, Linux, ...
Sujet: iostream et STL
Réponses: 118
Vus: 30088

Re: iostream et STL

So, I finally made an account here :D In the official ndless tree on github ( http://github.com/OlivierA/Ndless ) newlib is now officially supported. You can't use it together with os.h in the same file, so non-standard syscalls like isKeyPressed are not going to work (yet). In my ndless fork (http:...
de Vogtinator
29 Mar 2014, 19:06
Forums: Native: Ndless, Linux, ...
Sujet: iostream et STL
Réponses: 118
Vus: 30088

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