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Re: Pokemon Purple

http://tifreakware.net/tifreak8x/pokemon/ss/pokeballanimation2.gif Well, it didn't turn out as badly as I thought it was going to. However, seems my hex was a bit wibbly-wobbly there on sprite 3. Going to have to fix that. Edit: http://tifreakware.net/tifreak8x/pokemon/ss/pokeballanimation3.gif Tha...
de tifreak8x
30 Sep 2012, 16:16
Forums: Actualités
Sujet: Pokemon Purple
Réponses: 444
Vus: 52155

Re: Pokemon Purple

http://tifreakware.net/tifreak8x/pokemon/ss/frzhealtest1.gif Confirmed working. Yes, I know it didn't clear the status properly, that's the fault of ZPP (which is fixed). And by fixed, I mean I fixed the placement of the status messages when switching a Pokemon from the party out to the battles. An...
de tifreak8x
11 Juil 2012, 13:06
Forums: Actualités
Sujet: Pokemon Purple
Réponses: 444
Vus: 52155

Re: Pokemon Purple

I went on a bit of a trip yesterday, 4 hour drive time one way, so I took some time to work on the Hyper Potion item. Here's some screen shots. http://tifreakware.net/tifreak8x/pokemon/ss/battlehptestcase1.gif The above screenshot was to show me the problem I was running into so I didn't keep gettin...
de tifreak8x
11 Juin 2012, 12:28
Forums: Actualités
Sujet: Pokemon Purple
Réponses: 444
Vus: 52155

Re: Pokemon Purple

http://tifreakware.net/tifreak8x/pokemon/ss/stopevo.gif This shows what things look like when you cancel the evolution of a pokemon when you press the Alpha key. http://tifreakware.net/tifreak8x/pokemon/ss/evolvetest3.gif And this is what I have so far of the completed evolution. I know the pokemon...
de tifreak8x
17 Oct 2011, 03:06
Forums: Actualités
Sujet: Pokemon Purple
Réponses: 444
Vus: 52155

Re: Pokemon Purple

rayquaza: No, this is built for the 83+SE, 84+ (for the moment, I'm not sure if the final product will fit yet :( ) and for the 84+SE. And yes, it's in like 98% BASIC :) There are a few small ASM programs that help do things that BASIC can't do on its own. The speed is fairly quick for all that it h...
de tifreak8x
10 Oct 2011, 03:10
Forums: Actualités
Sujet: Pokemon Purple
Réponses: 444
Vus: 52155

Re: Pokemon Purple

Right now, Pokemon is sitting somewhere between 110,000 and 115,000 bytes. :o WOO! *throws a FREAKING PARTY man* I finally found the issue. It seems, that in an unrelated bit of code, I was missing an End statement. What threw me was that the loop this missing End statement was in was still working....
de tifreak8x
29 Sep 2011, 16:53
Forums: Actualités
Sujet: Pokemon Purple
Réponses: 444
Vus: 52155

Re: Pokemon Purple

Small update:

Fixed error I had with Item system scrolling, variable was getting overwritten and causing issues.

Added some clean up code to the testing stuff, This way I don't have to worry about it while testing.
de tifreak8x
03 Sep 2011, 03:32
Forums: Actualités
Sujet: Pokemon Purple
Réponses: 444
Vus: 52155

Re: Pokemon Purple

So, a great many things has happened since Feb of last year. Hopefully there is a user or two that still cares about this project here. To just highlight some things Pokemon Purple now does: -Completely all BASIC scrolling walking engine with moving NPCs -NPC interaction -Events system has been star...
de tifreak8x
29 Aoû 2011, 23:32
Forums: Actualités
Sujet: Pokemon Purple
Réponses: 444
Vus: 52155

Re: Pokemon Purple

lol one step closer :p http://tifreakware.net/tifreak8x/pokemon/ss/invisbleboundaries1.gif This shows off a better view of invisible boundaries. aka, not just walking into grass sets things off. =] And no, the game is faster than the screenshot. I don't know why it is showing up that slow. =/
de tifreak8x
08 Fév 2010, 03:21
Forums: Actualités
Sujet: Pokemon Purple
Réponses: 444
Vus: 52155

Re: Pokemon Purple

Happy to report that the.. hmm, what to call it.. 'self walking engine?' bleh, basically, you feed it a list of directions and it makes the NPC and character move around on the map all by itself. Basically, http://tifreakware.net/tifreak8x/pokemon/ss/event1.4.gif if you happen to remember from Oct 0...
de tifreak8x
22 Jan 2010, 16:53
Forums: Actualités
Sujet: Pokemon Purple
Réponses: 444
Vus: 52155

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