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Can´t install linux on extpart no space nloader+controlx

Recently I was trying to install Linux on my calculator with dualboot with this tutorial https://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=18920#updatecx, but because my calculator has now version 4.4 I followed the nloader tutorial https://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=21094 and aft...
de SuperXX
16 Mai 2021, 14:11
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Can´t install linux on extpart no space nloader+controlx
Réponses: 10
Vus: 2165

Re: What happens if I somehow manage to install older OS on

So, I actually tried doing it and for the ones who are wondering what happened, here I have a picture: https://i.ibb.co/Nr19JzG/IMG-20210516-095144-01.jpg It just crashes with this screen, after the loading bar reaches 100% Just go to the maintance menu, delete the OS and install a compatible one, b...
de SuperXX
16 Mai 2021, 13:31
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: What happens if I somehow manage to install older OS on Y HW
Réponses: 7
Vus: 1266

Re: What happens if I somehow manage to install older OS on

So. If I update the calculator to a newer version, like OS 4.4 and then remove the minOS protection and then instead of downgrading the calculator with the .tcc file to OS 4.2, I can just install 3.6 and it should work? Sorry if I haven't been clear enough. OS versions 4.0.0 and below don't support...
de SuperXX
15 Mai 2021, 15:23
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: What happens if I somehow manage to install older OS on Y HW
Réponses: 7
Vus: 1266

Re: What happens if I somehow manage to install older OS on

So. If I update the calculator to a newer version, like OS 4.4 and then remove the minOS protection and then instead of downgrading the calculator with the .tcc file to OS 4.2, I can just install 3.6 and it should work? And if something goes wrong can I just go to the mantaince menu, uninstall the O...
de SuperXX
15 Mai 2021, 14:57
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: What happens if I somehow manage to install older OS on Y HW
Réponses: 7
Vus: 1266

What happens if I somehow manage to install older OS on Y HW

I was searching on how could I downgrade my revision Y calculator from OS 4.2 to OS 3.6, but it seems that my calculator doesn't get lower then that and nasgmr doesn't allow me to do that neither. So I was wondering, what really happens if a system lower then then the supported by the hardware revis...
de SuperXX
15 Mai 2021, 10:35
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: What happens if I somehow manage to install older OS on Y HW
Réponses: 7
Vus: 1266

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