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Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?

I´m trying to compile KhiCas and an error saying "fatal error: gmp.h: No such file or directory" appears. I´ve searched for it and it seems that libgmp3-dev was missing, so I run the apt-get command to install it and try again, still nothing. I´ve also tried to ran some other apt-get comma...
de SuperXX
13 Juin 2021, 15:38
Forums: Native: Ndless, Linux, ...
Sujet: Can´t compile KhiCas| gmp.h missing?
Réponses: 32
Vus: 9537

picodrive crashes when load finishes|nLoader OS 4.4 CAS

Recently I tried to play Outrun and Sonic The Hedgehog on my Calculator, but when I was loading the ROM on PicoDrive and the load bar reaches 100%, it just crashes the whole calculator and it needs to reset. To test if that was because of nLaunch (because before that Sonic ran fine, even with and ou...
de SuperXX
13 Juin 2021, 15:17
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: picodrive crashes when load finishes|nLoader OS 4.4 CAS
Réponses: 0
Vus: 430

Re: Where Can I find OS.bin of CASIO PRIZM fx-cg20?

Oh, that´s a shame. Thank You anyway
de SuperXX
10 Juin 2021, 15:03
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Where Can I find OS.bin of CASIO PRIZM fx-cg20?
Réponses: 2
Vus: 1353

Where Can I find OS.bin of CASIO PRIZM fx-cg20?

I just want to know if it´s possible to backup the OS.bin to use it later flash an OS into my CASIO Calculator using fxremote if something wrong happens.
de SuperXX
10 Juin 2021, 09:32
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Where Can I find OS.bin of CASIO PRIZM fx-cg20?
Réponses: 2
Vus: 1353

Re: How to downgrade CASIO Prizm fx-CG20?

It worked. Thank You. I didn´t have the correct key combination
de SuperXX
10 Juin 2021, 08:21
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: How to downgrade CASIO Prizm fx-CG20?
Réponses: 2
Vus: 1397

How to downgrade CASIO Prizm fx-CG20?

Hi, I´m trying to downgrade a CASIO Prizm calculator but I can´t seem to find an answer for it. I saw somewhere that by pressing the F2-4-AC/ON and Restart once the calculator was turned off, I would be prompt to a black screen so I then I would press 9 and install the OS. But nothing happens. Curre...
de SuperXX
09 Juin 2021, 22:04
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: How to downgrade CASIO Prizm fx-CG20?
Réponses: 2
Vus: 1397

Re: Can´t install linux on extpart no space nloader+controlx

Oh Ok.

I'll just leave everything as it is then.

Thank you for your help.
de SuperXX
17 Mai 2021, 07:36
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Can´t install linux on extpart no space nloader+controlx
Réponses: 10
Vus: 2165

Re: Can´t install linux on extpart no space nloader+controlx

Oh men. That´s disappointing. I really thinked that nloader was just a new "nboot", but now I understand it isn´t. Just one more question, how can I erase the ControlX file I flashed into the diags partition, because it really doesn´t make any sense to have it? Also, is there any reason to...
de SuperXX
16 Mai 2021, 20:42
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Can´t install linux on extpart no space nloader+controlx
Réponses: 10
Vus: 2165

Re: Can´t install linux on extpart no space nloader+controlx

My calculator is a revision Y with OS installed.
de SuperXX
16 Mai 2021, 17:27
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Can´t install linux on extpart no space nloader+controlx
Réponses: 10
Vus: 2165

Re: Can´t install linux on extpart no space nloader+controlx

How can I resize it? It seems that nsPartMagic doesn´t list any ext partition. Does "reallocate FileS" have anything to do with it?
de SuperXX
16 Mai 2021, 15:42
Forums: Problèmes divers / Aide débutants
Sujet: Can´t install linux on extpart no space nloader+controlx
Réponses: 10
Vus: 2165

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