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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: rodrag0
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
Page(s) : 1
Taille Size: 1.76 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 08/07/2024 - 12:07:27
Uploadeur Uploader: rodrag0 (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 2
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a4138296


Fichier Nspire généré sur TI-Planet.org.

Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.

Lever Rule Formulas: 1. Mass Fraction of the Solid Phase:    m_S / m_tot = (C_0 - C_L) / (C_S - C_L) 2. Mass Fraction of the Liquid Phase:    m_L / m_tot = (C_S - C_0) / (C_S - C_L) Where: - m_S = mass of the solid phase - m_L = mass of the liquid phase - m_tot = total mass of the alloy (solid + liquid) - C_0 = overall (nominal) composition of the alloy - C_L = composition of the liquid phase - C_S = composition of the solid phase 3. Mass Fraction of ²_seg Phase:    m_²_seg,max / m_tot = (C_0 - C_±_seg) / (C_²_seg - C_±_seg) * 100% Where: - m_²_seg,max = mass of the segregated ² phase - C_0 = overall composition of the alloy - C_±_seg = composition of the segregated ± phase - C_²_seg = composition of the segregated ² phase 4. Mass Fraction of ±_seg Phase:    m_±_seg,max / m_tot = (C_²_seg - C_0) / (C_²_seg - C_±_seg) * 100% Where: - m_±_seg,max = mass of the segregated ± phase - C_0 = overall composition of the alloy - C_±_seg = composition of the segregated ± phase - C_²_seg = composition of the segregated ² phase 5. Mass Fraction of ± Phase:    m_± / m = (100 - 60 - 4) % = 36% Where: - m_± = mass of the ± phase - m = total mass of the alloy 6. Mass Fraction of ² Phase:    m_² / m = (100 - 30 - 6) % = 64% Where: - m_² = mass of the ² phase - m = total mass of the alloy 7. Mass Fraction of Eutectic Phase (E):    m_E / m = 60 % Where: - m_E = mass of the eutectic phase - m = total mass of the alloy 8. Mass Fraction of ²_seg Phase:    m_²_seg / m = 4 % Where: - m_²_seg = mass of the segregated ² phase - m = total mass of the alloy 9. Mass Fraction of ±_seg Phase:    m_±_seg / m = 6 % Where: - m_±_seg = mass of the segregated ± phase - m = total mass of the alloy Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org

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