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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: drid20001
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
Page(s) : 1
Taille Size: 8.55 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 24/05/2024 - 00:34:51
Mis à jour Updated: 24/05/2024 - 00:34:55
Uploadeur Uploader: drid20001 (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 3
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a4036680


Fichier Nspire généré sur TI-Planet.org.

Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.

REASONS FOR EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF BUILDING STRUCURES: Reliability verification of new structures to: Validate computational models used in design; Check if the real structure is constructed properly; Check if the structure can be used for its purpose for the whole designed lifetime. Reliability assessment of a structure in cases when we need its parameters for calculation and there is no safer way how to find them. Investigation of damaged and repaired structures for evaluation of size and consequences of their damages Identification of computational models  finding input parameters for the model of a structure before its response calculation induced by load. Model verification of the structure if there is any doubt that model used in computation was not relevant enough. Determination of the vibration level regarding the damage of the investigated structure or its influence on machine technology or on a human organism Verification of assumptions used in computation: Science and investigation; New type of structure or material. Verification of a new theoretical method  comparison of theoretical and experimental results Experimental detection of parameters of a structure Determination of the amplitude and the character if the response before and after the structural modification of the structure to obtain the efficiency of this modification. Investigation of physical models of the building structures to obtain their response from the special kinds of load. Diagnostics of building structures: Procedure used for evaluation of the real state of a structure using the experimental methods and measures, repairs or demolitions are designed based on evaluated real state. Monitoring a building structure: Long-term periodic or continuous monitoring of chosen parameters of a structure and estimation or evaluation of damages, decrease of load carrying capacity and service life of monitored structure. TYPES OF LOAD TESTS OF BUILDING STRUCTURES: Classification from the view of the test goal: Prototype test  verification of reliability of the product or structure before starting production; Check Test  Check of the reliability during the production or after building the structure; Other tests  Study, acceptance quality& Classification by which the test ends: Loading to achieve the load capacity limit (to failure); Loading without achievement of the load capacity limit (without failure) Classification by type of load: Static load test; Dynamic load test. STATIC LOAD TEST: Induces only static effects; It is necessary to know its real magnitude; The permissible deviation in the laboratory is 3%, in situ 5%; Correction of the theoretical values of the deformations; Check of its efficiency; Bags with sand or tanks with water; Hydraulic presses (only for laboratories); Army tanks DYNAMIC LOAD TEST: Used for evaluation of the characteristics of the natural vibration with an exciter, impactor machine, pulse rocket engines or vibration caused by a working load or traffic load; This type of test has dynamic character, and the effects are close to the design load; has the highest efficiency; the best is to use the loading means, which really act on the structure. Effects of the machinery on buildings are investigated in industrial plants. Groups of pedestrians or railway engines can simulate it also. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE ASSESSMENT OF THE STATIC AND DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF THE STRUCURES BASED ON THE EXPERIMENT: Measured values must not exceed maximal permissible values: Static deflections; Plastic deformations; Noise and vibration values Measured values must correspond with the values calculated on the design model: Strains; Natural modes and frequencies; Damping; Vibration levels Reduce the influences that can distort the result, if it is no possible to eliminate these influences they must be monitored to calculate their effects In the laboratory it should be possible to recreate the same conditions in which a structure acts in reality Prescribed time for the deformation monitoring in a steel structure is 5 min. The minimal time of the monitoring of the deformation stabilization in a steel structure is 15min The structure is reliable from the view of the Ultimate Limit Service if: The experimental load capacity is higher than calculated load capacity multiplied by reliability coefficient of the test; The structure is loaded to the value of the permanent load plus the extreme values of the live load and unloaded to the permanent load, the ration between the plastic and total deformations should be less than .1 to .3. The total and plastic deformations are evaluated at the end of the stabilization of the deformations The structure is reliable from the view of the Service Limit Service if: The experimental value of the deformation is caused by the test load of the live load has not differ from the theoretic value more than X times; The experimental value of the deformation caused by the test load of live loads has not to be


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