
Newprog CX

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Catégorie :Category: Utilitaires TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: M Bansard
Type : Assembleur 3.1
Taille Size: 2.23 Mo MB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 09/11/2023 - 20:26:27
Mis à jour Updated: 17/11/2023 - 14:21:10
Uploadeur Uploader: newprog_creator (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 17
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a3687133


Programmation language close to C for nspire CX and CX2 (not tested).
Oncalc and PC compilation.

Archive contentsContenu de l'archive

Action(s) SizeTaille FileFichier
5.11 Ko KB compilator/begin_code.h
1.45 Ko KB compilator/close_code.h
321 octets bytes compilator/ctoken.exe.stackdump
792 octets bytes compilator/falldown.tns
2.03 Ko KB compilator/falldownsrc.tns
10.64 Ko KB compilator/keys.h
950 octets bytes compilator/Makefile
5.50 Ko KB compilator/minesweeper.tns
8.49 Ko KB compilator/minesweeperpic.bmp.tns
6.40 Ko KB compilator/minesweepersrc.tns
21.69 Ko KB compilator/n2DLib.c
3.03 Ko KB compilator/n2DLib.h
14.43 Ko KB compilator/n2DLib.o
16.56 Ko KB compilator/n2DLib_font.h
430.09 Ko KB compilator/newprogcx-compilator-PC.exe
342.90 Ko KB compilator/newprogcx.elf
191.47 Ko KB compilator/newprogcx.prg.tns
190.87 Ko KB compilator/newprogcx.tns
128.32 Ko KB compilator/npcxexecmodel.tns
35 octets bytes compilator/npcxfiles.tns
7.33 Ko KB compilator/npprgm.tns
128.32 Ko KB compilator/npprgmexec.tns
36.17 Ko KB compilator/npsrc.tns
82 octets bytes compilator/output
5.11 Ko KB compilator/SDL/begin_code.h
1.45 Ko KB compilator/SDL/close_code.h
3.16 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL.h
1.89 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_active.h
10.95 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_audio.h
986 octets bytes compilator/SDL/SDL_byteorder.h
5.91 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_cdrom.h
1.50 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_config.h
2.74 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_config_dreamcast.h
2.74 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_config_macos.h
4.09 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_config_macosx.h
1.72 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_config_minimal.h
2.91 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_config_nds.h
3.55 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_config_os2.h
3.03 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_config_symbian.h
2.57 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_config_tinspire.h
4.47 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_config_win32.h
869 octets bytes compilator/SDL/SDL_copying.h
2.17 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_cpuinfo.h
5.91 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_endian.h
1.83 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_error.h
12.74 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_events.h
2.54 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_framerate.h
979 octets bytes compilator/SDL/SDL_getenv.h
4.33 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_gfxBlitFunc.h
10.65 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_gfxPrimitives.h
54.59 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_gfxPrimitives_font.h
5.38 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_image.h
10.10 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_imageFilter.h
5.40 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_joystick.h
4.00 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_keyboard.h
7.32 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_keysym.h
2.67 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_loadso.h
2.80 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_main.h
4.64 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_mouse.h
5.72 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_mutex.h
183 octets bytes compilator/SDL/SDL_name.h
328.66 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_opengl.h
2.72 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_platform.h
1.96 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_quit.h
2.90 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_rotozoom.h
4.84 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_rwops.h
16.12 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_stdinc.h
6.17 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_syswm.h
4.14 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_thread.h
4.42 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_timer.h
979 octets bytes compilator/SDL/SDL_types.h
2.58 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_version.h
38.89 Ko KB compilator/SDL/SDL_video.h
792 octets bytes compilator/test.tns
128.32 Ko KB compilator/testexec.tns
2.03 Ko KB compilator/testsrc.tns
277.34 Ko KB compilator/tokens68k.c
369 octets bytes compilator/tokens68k.exe.stackdump
143.58 Ko KB compilator/tokens68k.o
68.02 Ko KB doc/newprog v1-01 cx doc oncalc.tns
614.00 Ko KB doc/Newprogcx v1.01 doc.doc
463.04 Ko KB doc/Newprogcx v1.01 doc.pdf
792 octets bytes Newprogcx prgm examples/falldown.tns
2.03 Ko KB Newprogcx prgm examples/falldownsrc.tns
5.50 Ko KB Newprogcx prgm examples/minesweeper.tns
8.49 Ko KB Newprogcx prgm examples/minesweeperpic.bmp.tns
6.40 Ko KB Newprogcx prgm examples/minesweepersrc.tns
166.78 Ko KB oncalc text editor/nTxt.tns
8.89 Ko KB screen.png
16 octets bytes virtual machine/.gitignore
2.75 Ko KB virtual machine/codebbmp.bmp
2.75 Ko KB virtual machine/codebbmp.tns
64.00 Ko KB virtual machine/keys newprogcx.doc
947 octets bytes virtual machine/Makefile
21.69 Ko KB virtual machine/n2DLib.c
3.03 Ko KB virtual machine/n2DLib.h
14.36 Ko KB virtual machine/n2DLib.o
16.56 Ko KB virtual machine/n2DLib_font.h
286.33 Ko KB virtual machine/newprogcx_fonts.h
330.73 Ko KB virtual machine/npvmcx-cpp.elf
160.16 Ko KB virtual machine/npvmcx.c
340.41 Ko KB virtual machine/npvmcx.elf
91.20 Ko KB virtual machine/npvmcx.o
192.01 Ko KB virtual machine/npvmcx.prg.tns
191.41 Ko KB virtual machine/npvmcx.tns
38 octets bytes virtual machine/out.tns
1.41 Ko KB virtual machine/toto.o
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