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Axe Tunnel Collection

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Catégorie :Category: Jeux TI-82+/83+/84
Auteur Author: DJ Omnimaga
Type : Assembleur
Taille Size: 17.50 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 28/05/2013 - 07:46:11
Mis à jour Updated: 05/02/2015 - 05:40:17
Uploadeur Uploader: DoOmnimaga (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 187
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a15438


4 Tunnels créés en Axe Parser en 2010:

-Axe Tunnel: Simple tunnel traditionel, mais horizontal
-RickRoll Tunnel 3lv: Même chose, mais en 3 niveaux de gris avec du texte RickRoll en fond d'écran
-RickRoll Tunnel 4lv: Le tunnel RickRoll en 4 niveaux de gris (la route est grise foncé et on voit le texte au travers
-Eat Nethams: The Game: Une sorte d'Avalanche mais il faut manger les homards qui tombent du haut de l'écran

This is the xLIBC version of my color Tunnel game, for use with Doors CSE 8.0 on the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Originally released for the HP Prime graphing calculator and written in HP PPL language, this 84+CSE demake was adapted to run within the limitations of the lower end 15 MHz platforn, as well as those of TI-BASIC and xLIBC. UPDATE: Car is now made of a sprite instead of two rectangles and score displays faster, taking advantage of new xLIBC commands to save extra speed.

Visit codewalr.us for more games from me and a large friendly English-speaking calculator forum!

Archive contentsContenu de l'archive

Action(s) SizeTaille FileFichier
1.76 Ko KB RickRoll Tunnel/DJTUNNEL.8xp
2.14 Ko KB RickRoll Tunnel/DJTUNNRR.8xp
2.95 Ko KB RickRoll Tunnel/ignore_me.txt
2.04 Ko KB Axe Tunnel/DJTUNDCS.8xp
2.00 Ko KB Axe Tunnel/DJTUNION.8xp
2.03 Ko KB Axe Tunnel/DJTUNMOS.8xp
1.97 Ko KB Axe Tunnel/DJTUNNEL.8xp
3.25 Ko KB Axe Tunnel/ignore_me.txt
928 octets bytes Axe Tunnel/Source/LINE.8xp
2.32 Ko KB Eat Nethams The Game/ignore_me.txt
732 octets bytes Eat Nethams The Game/N.8xp
732 octets bytes Eat Nethams The Game/O.8xp
317 octets bytes Eat Nethams The Game/source/NETHAM06.8xp
315 octets bytes Eat Nethams The Game/source/NETHAM15.8xp

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