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Auteur Author: mahery13
Type : Image nécessitant un lecteur
Page(s) : 2
Taille Size: 134.29 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 13/05/2018 - 13:29:39
Uploadeur Uploader: mahery13 (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 6
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a1494171



Kenza fin de phrase : After that, you won't feel guilty about eating chocolate anymore.

The article we study was published on April 24, 2018 on the website Science Daily.
The article entitled “Dark chocolate consumption reduces stress and
inflammation” comes from the Loma Linda University Adventist Health
Sciences Center. In this article, the main idea is the impact of dark chocolate
consumption on cognition and other brain functions. Indeed, new research proves
all these health benefits. First, we are going to talk about the beginning of new studies.
Then we will describe the different studies and their results. To finish, we will
conclude with the continuity of the research.

Beginning of new studies
Kenza’s part

Two studies

1. Concentration of cocoa
Influence of dark chocolate is not a recent study. Indeed, scientists have been
examining for years its effects on our neurological functions, as stated by Lee S.
Berk who is the principal investigator on both studies. Lee Berk said that it
was the first time that they examined the impact of large amounts of
cocoa in small doses in humans. These two studies show us that, the
concentration of cocoa has considerable importance because the higher
concentration of cocoa the more positive the impact on us.

2. Presence of flavonoids

3. First Study
Dark chocolate has actually others effects like on human gene expression. Indeed,
cocoa regulates cellular immune response, neural signalling and sensory
perception. That’s the subject of one of the two studies.

“Kenza” For that, scientists examined the blood of participants of the study who ate
dark chocolate.

It was found that eating dark chocolate led to an increase in the expression of
genes involved in the activation of T cells, which are the white blood cells
that help us to fight infection and disease.
4. Second study

The team found that eating the dark chocolate led to a beneficial increase in
gamma frequency in the cerebral cortical regions of the brain, which are
the areas involved in memory and sensory processing.
The researchers also found that dark chocolate intake increased gene expression
associated with neural signalling and sensory perception.


The research continues

Berk and colleagues note that further research is needed to understand precisely what the
findings of these two studies mean for brain and immune health, but they believe that the
results are promising.

“Kenza” In two weeks, you know all of you that we have our exam, so Mahery and me had the
idea to bring you dark chocolate to prepare our brain before.
Thank you for having listened to us and enjoy your dark chocolate!

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