
ICE Compiler

Assembleur, Axe, C/C++, ICE...

Re: ICE Compiler

Message non lude MMBC » 27 Sep 2017, 13:47

nICE the ICE language green thing on the A prog :D
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Re: ICE Compiler

Message non lude PT_ » 27 Sep 2017, 14:02

MMBC_Chris a écrit:nICE the ICE language green thing on the A prog :D

That is a Cesium feature ;)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Message non lude PT_ » 29 Sep 2017, 20:47

I'm finally done with bugtesting, at least all my test programs work fine (during testing I solved another bug or 2), so it's time to share it with you guys. Feel free to download this ICE, please test all the edgy cases, and if there's an ICE ERROR: Please report it, please send me your source code, then I can try it as well :)

Things I still want to fix but that are not really important:
- Max label/variable name length
- More syntax errors at impossible cases
- All the remaining bugs lol


There is an .exe in the folder, it works exactly the same as the C version. Just run it with ice <input program>, i.e. ice SUM.8xp, and it will compile your program and output the program in the main directory. I know, I still need to rewrite the entire commands.html and documentation.pdf, but will do that later, so you guys have to do it without documentation ;)
Let me explain the most important changes, some others should be straightforward:
- Pointers. *{ } for 1-byte dereference, **{ } for 2-byte dereference and ***{ } or just { } for 3-byte dereference. The amount of nested { } is the level, so {{A}} gets the word at address at word at address A.
- Copy( copies arg3 bytes from arg1 to arg2. If there are 4 arguments, the first argument will be ignored, but the copy will be reversed (lddr instead of ldir)
- Data( returns a pointer to the data section in the program data. First argument should be the size of the next elements (1 = 8-bits, 2 = 16-bits, 3 = 24-bits). All the remaining elements will be inserted in the program data and it returns a pointer to this.
- L1-L6 are now pointers, so accessing the first element of L1 will be ***{L1+0} instead of L1(0).
- Alloc( allocated some memory, for example for rotating or enlarging sprites. Returns a pointer to the data.
- sum(... all the same as det(, but sum( is used for the FILEIOC lib. Sorry, won't show all the arguments needed, but you can select the right function in the program editor by pressing [TRACE].
- sin( cos(, range is [0, 255] (so 256 = 2*pi)
- String concatenation, storing, displaying
- [i] for displaying a new line

And much more which I can't tell now. But have fun exploring ICE, and hopefully I can make it an official release soon! :D
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Re: ICE Compiler

Message non lude PT_ » 03 Oct 2017, 12:59

Updated version:
- Fixed strings. Now 'w' or 'r' is actually a 'w' or 'r', and not the BASIC token. This means, however, that all BASIC tokens are converted to the characters, which means that "sin(" is now 4 bytes instead of 1 byte.
- Fixed the main bug reported by KryptonicDragon

https://www.dropbox.com/s/7a3qiexqgc2r0 ... 3.zip?dl=0
Commands: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://g ... mands.html
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Re: ICE Compiler

Message non lude sautax » 05 Oct 2017, 19:39

OMG this version is so goood i'll do my projects with that but....
is there a on calc compiler for C version ?
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Re: ICE Compiler

Message non lude PT_ » 05 Oct 2017, 20:28

Of course :P
Download always the latest release here, because I fix many, many, important bugs
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Re: ICE Compiler

Message non lude sautax » 05 Oct 2017, 20:30

ok cool thanks
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Re: ICE Compiler

Message non lude Ti64CLi++ » 06 Oct 2017, 00:18

Wow, a really good update :bj:
A good feature may be appvars file managment, like Axiom in Axe, to add some functions ;)
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Re: ICE Compiler

Message non lude PT_ » 06 Oct 2017, 13:38

Ti64CLi++ a écrit:Wow, a really good update :bj:
A good feature may be appvars file managment, like Axiom in Axe, to add some functions ;)

You clearly need to read the commands.html, and what I all added :P
http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://g ... mands.html
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Re: ICE Compiler

Message non lude Ti64CLi++ » 06 Oct 2017, 17:13

I wanted to say appvars file management, but an appvars that add some functions like Axiom in Axe. Not reading/wrinting in an appvars ;)
Sorry, I am so bad to explain, my English is very bad :?
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