
Complex partial fraction

Pour le TI-Basic sur Nspire

Complex partial fraction

Unread postby m_elborolossy » 08 May 2015, 14:43

Hi all
My calc is Nspire cx cas
I try to make a complex partial fraction because the calc make only real one using expand
I try to write a function but there is an error that is not clear to me why
I make the same steps in a Document or scratchpad and work good
Here is my code :
Code: Select all
Define LibPub partialf(expre)=
:Local ex,r,rc,exc,k,x,kc
:Return kc

This is only the start and i assume that the i have a real root (s = 0) and two conj complex roots s={(-a+b*i),(-a-b*i)}
The error in this line : kc:=k(rc[2])
Last edited by m_elborolossy on 08 May 2015, 15:48, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Complex partial fraction

Unread postby Bisam » 08 May 2015, 15:01

I spotted a possible (and quite usual) problem.

When you create a function by using f(s):= anything, the right member is NOT evaluated.
It will only be evaluated when you will use the function and replace the value of "s" by any expression.

At this time, the calc may see an error such as a "division by zero" that couldn't be seen earlier.
I think that, in your case, exc(s) still has zero as a root of denominator... or something like that.

Did you try to "disp" some intermediate results to spot the problem more precisely ?
And what is the error returned ?
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Re: Complex partial fraction

Unread postby m_elborolossy » 08 May 2015, 15:49

Thanks Bisam
I think it works now good
When I finish it i will upload it
This is the updated code :
Code: Select all
Define LibPub partialf(expre)=
:Local ex,r,rc,exc,k,x,kc
:Return kc
Last edited by m_elborolossy on 08 May 2015, 15:53, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Complex partial fraction

Unread postby Bisam » 08 May 2015, 15:56

Nice !
Glad to have helped... and thankful for having talked with someone who knows how to program decently !
Last edited by Bisam on 08 May 2015, 15:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Complex partial fraction

Unread postby jmat » 02 Jul 2015, 10:48

wonderful !!We hope this program
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Re: Complex partial fraction

Unread postby Bisam » 02 Jul 2015, 15:06

Uh ?
Seems to be an early posting... :p
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Re: Complex partial fraction

Unread postby mike martin » 31 Jul 2016, 14:11

Hi there,
Did you ever finish the code for this? If so, is there somewhere I can download it?

I really need something like this on my nspire.

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Re: Complex partial fraction

Unread postby Bisam » 01 Aug 2016, 15:07

Just try to create it yourself by copying the code which is on the 3rd post.
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Re: Complex partial fraction

Unread postby endothes » 07 Oct 2018, 03:19

When I use the code in the third post with a function such as:


I get too many arguments error. Does the program listed above work for anyone else?
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Re: Complex partial fraction

Unread postby Hisham » 07 Oct 2018, 09:03

endothes wrote:When I use the code in the third post with a function such as:


I get too many arguments error. Does the program listed above work for anyone else?

http://www.allcalc.tk/10272 (PFE)
http://www.allcalc.tk/4982 (PFE + inverse L-Transformation)


Hisham ;)
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