
Preview-barcode generators on nspire!(QR/PDF417/AZTEC/DM/HX)

Pour TI-Nspire OS 3.0 ou ultérieur.

Preview-barcode generators on nspire!(QR/PDF417/AZTEC/DM/HX)

Message non lude Manaka Nemu » 25 Mar 2020, 17:30

Had you been troubled by copying answer or strings from the calculator to your phone?
Do you want to make it easier to send messages from your calculator to other equipment wirelessly?
Have a try of my barcode generators!
Those included advanced version of my old generator:QR maker V1.0. @MrZ and I fixed some bugs and improved its algorithm so it's now 600+% faster than the old version.Thanks of @MrZ for first improved it for me!
And now I had programmed more kinds of barcode generators!
2D Barcodes: QR code,PDF417,DataMatrix,Aztec Code,ColorCode and Hanxin Code.
1D Barcodes: Code39,Code93,Code128,EAN8,EAN13,ITF14,UPC-A,UPC-E.
Almost all of the 2D Barcode generators support to copy the output code into the clipboard as a Ti-image!You can insert the code into your own script!(less than 8000 pixels)
And what's more,I made a special version of the QR maker, it can analysis a math expression and encode it as a website QR code as CASIO CLASSWIZ dids! You can use Ti's calculator to enjoy CASIO's service! :p
Dernière édition par Manaka Nemu le 27 Mar 2020, 11:53, édité 1 fois.
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Manaka NemuProgrammeur
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Re: Preview--barcode generators on nspire!

Message non lude Manaka Nemu » 25 Mar 2020, 18:26

Here are some screen captures of my barcode generators.They devided a poem into five parts and each one encode a part of it.
Dernière édition par Manaka Nemu le 25 Mar 2020, 18:55, édité 1 fois.
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Manaka NemuProgrammeur
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
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Inscription: 22 Jan 2020, 11:11
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Re: Preview--barcode generators on nspire!

Message non lude Adriweb » 25 Mar 2020, 18:27

Good job, but quite a weird author name at the bottom left, would be better to change that ;)

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Re: Preview--barcode generators on nspire!

Message non lude Manaka Nemu » 25 Mar 2020, 18:43

Adriweb a écrit:Good job, but quite a weird author name at the bottom left, would be better to change that ;)

Thanks for your reminding ;) Of course that I will change that :D
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Manaka NemuProgrammeur
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Re: Preview--barcode generators on nspire!

Message non lude Manaka Nemu » 26 Mar 2020, 12:16

Explainations and details about the Casio Classwiz QR maker:
We know that Casio has added the function of generating QR code in some of their products:CLASSWIZ(inputs/outputs and manuals)/ES PLUS 2nd Edition(license verify website) and fx-CG50(manuals).My program can convert the expression you entered to a Casio's website as CLASSWIZs did.
More details about CLASSWIZs' QR function.
For example:
We entered "e^(i*pi)+1" in the Classwiz QR maker.
Then press :nsme: + :ns4: + :ns1: to open the selffit function that the size of barcode will be chosen as a smallest but enough one. and then press :nsme: + :ns1: + :ns1: to generate the QR code.
Use your phone to scan it, you will get a website of Casio Worldwide Education Service.
Open the website,the expression and answer are included!Enjoy casio's service by your TI calculator!
Ps: In fact, the complex number calculation mode of Casio's Classwiz calculators only supported a few functions and many of them required real number as its parameter(Such as "i^2" is supported but "i^i" can't be calculated).But with my program,you can encode those expressions that even a real Casio CLASSWIZ can't deal with!
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Manaka NemuProgrammeur
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Inscription: 22 Jan 2020, 11:11
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Re: Preview-barcode generators on nspire!(QR/PDF417/AZTEC/DM

Message non lude Zocipal » 18 Aoû 2020, 16:29

Where can we find the program in its last version ?
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Re: Preview-barcode generators on nspire!(QR/PDF417/AZTEC/DM

Message non lude nspiredev500 » 18 Aoû 2020, 20:48

How does the copy to clipboard work? I thought constructing TI-Image objects from data was removed?
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Re: Preview-barcode generators on nspire!(QR/PDF417/AZTEC/DM

Message non lude Manaka Nemu » 19 Fév 2021, 12:56

nspiredev500 a écrit:How does the copy to clipboard work? I thought constructing TI-Image objects from data was removed?

Sorry to this late reply. :)
After this reply I will immediately upload those programs to TI-planet as a .zip pack. :D
As for copying image to cilpboard, it works like a popular painting program of Nspire called nSpaint. It copys a string into the cilpboard. You can use the command "...=image.new(xxx)" in your script editor on the handheld to display the picture into your own program.Image data of my code makers and the nSpaint are compatible, too. You can use nSpaint to edit the generated code such as change its color or make some mistakes on purpose to test its error correction ability. ;)
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Manaka NemuProgrammeur
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Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
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Inscription: 22 Jan 2020, 11:11
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Re: Preview-barcode generators on nspire!(QR/PDF417/AZTEC/DM

Message non lude Manaka Nemu » 19 Fév 2021, 13:28

It's available now! :troll:

Zocipal a écrit:Hello,
Where can we find the program in its last version ?

Sorry to this late reply. :)
It's available now! :p
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Manaka NemuProgrammeur
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
Niveau 8: ER (Espèce Rare: nerd)
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Inscription: 22 Jan 2020, 11:11
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