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Problem with TI-84 Plus CE-T's Exam Mode after updating OS

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Problem with TI-84 Plus CE-T's Exam Mode after updating OS

Message non lude GresSimJa » 16 Mai 2021, 14:00

This is my first post, so apologies if I messed anything up in the creation.

My exams start tomorrow, and the Dutch government requires students to use a newer OS version on the TI-84 Plus CE-T than the one I have. I decided to update to the latest version on the TI website.

Small note: I am aware of the ASM compatibility and general scumminess of TI since the latest version, but I am also aware of downgrading and have done it before. Besides, I needed a newer version for my exams, and only needed it once for one day.

After a backup of my data and a factory reset, I moved on to 5.6.1. The OS was then installed and I decided to test Exam Mode one more time, I noticed that after the apps had validated and getting the "RESET COMPLETE" screen, I got the same startup message as the one that shows after clearing RAM (the one with "don't show this message again"). After pressing anything here, Exam Mode turns off and the status bar goes from blue to gray.

Video showcasing what happened: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aXNBmXbsP31-L1Uf5L9wXEELdlNj63tP/view?usp=sharing

I've been able to borrow an unaffected calculator on OS 5.2.2, which does have a working Exam Mode. Not sure if it's the new version or anything else that might have messed with my calculator, but I was unable to find anyone with a problem like this on the internet. Still bummed out that my own calculator won't go into Exam Mode anymore, though.

From what I know, TIplanet is one of the most brilliant websites out there when it comes to these calculators, so I decided to drop by and see if anyone has a solution to this weird issue.
I speak English and French, so any will work for me. Thanks in advance!
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Inscription: 16 Mai 2021, 13:16
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Re: Problem with TI-84 Plus CE-T's Exam Mode after updating

Message non lude critor » 16 Mai 2021, 14:26


On your video, I notice your calculator is connected through USB.
This might interfere, as USB data transfers are going to disable the exam mode.

Maybe you could retry without the USB cable.

Maybe you could also try to use the dutch exam mode ? It disables less things if I remember well. Instead of
, you need to hold
while turning the calculator on.
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Re: Problem with TI-84 Plus CE-T's Exam Mode after updating

Message non lude Privacy_Dragon » 16 Mai 2021, 14:37

As far as I know it doesn't matter that much to have the most up to date OS in the Netherlands? I mean, I don't think they will check every calculator. Or maybe your teacher is just very strict with that.

And yes, what critor says, you could try the dutch exam mode.
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Re: Problem with TI-84 Plus CE-T's Exam Mode after updating

Message non lude GresSimJa » 17 Mai 2021, 11:35

Thank you for the replies, but neither exam mode works (+/Enter and </>). Both have the same issue of turning on, then off again. Even after removing the cable, the issue persists.

I have tried several simple things to fix the problem:
- Unplugging the cable
- Off and on, then retry
- RAM clear
- Full data wipe
- Reinstalling the OS

If nothing else works, I'm considering a downgrade. I won't need Exam Mode anymore anyway.

Thanks for the replies though!
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Messages: 2
Inscription: 16 Mai 2021, 13:16
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