
[TUTO][EN] Fix keyboard on prototype TI-Nspire CAS Touchpad

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Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Unread postby leebnc » 09 Apr 2018, 13:25

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Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Unread postby parrotgeek1 » 13 Apr 2018, 07:18

[post moved to OP]
Last edited by parrotgeek1 on 14 Apr 2018, 02:40, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Unread postby leebnc » 13 Apr 2018, 12:05

It worked!! Now the touchpad works with cursor moving properly and all the keys mapped correctly!!!! I can’t thank you more!! You are really great!!
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Re: A patch for touchpad calcs that think they are clickpads

Unread postby parrotgeek1 » 14 Apr 2018, 03:02

critor wrote:Ok.

So I suppose once installed, you can't use a ClickPad keypad anymore ? No way to hot-select this ?

I have now fixed this problem.
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Re: [TUTO][EN] Fix keyboard on prototype TI-Nspire CAS Touch

Unread postby pupaps4 » 06 Feb 2020, 17:15

Thanks !! parrotgeek1
It was 7 years ago that I acquired a Touchpad CAS DVT deceived by a bad seller ... stuck in OS
Keyboard : DVT1P 0909 175
Times in times always looked at what's new in the Forum (I also thank the Critor for the various contributions)
But I never paid attention to your work with the DVT keyboard.
Now it is updated in the last possible OS and keyboard working 100%.
Very happy now! :D
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Re: [TUTO][EN] Fix keyboard on prototype TI-Nspire CAS Touch

Unread postby parrotgeek1 » 03 Sep 2020, 00:15

pupaps4 wrote:Thanks !! parrotgeek1
It was 7 years ago that I acquired a Touchpad CAS DVT deceived by a bad seller ... stuck in OS
Keyboard : DVT1P 0909 175
Times in times always looked at what's new in the Forum (I also thank the Critor for the various contributions)
But I never paid attention to your work with the DVT keyboard.
Now it is updated in the last possible OS and keyboard working 100%.
Very happy now! :D

You're welcome! Would you mind dumping the diags partition with nsnandmgr? I'm curious if it's the same version as the one on other prototypes.
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Re: [TUTO][EN] Fix keyboard on prototype TI-Nspire CAS Touch

Unread postby pupaps4 » 21 Sep 2020, 20:27

Sorry ... I just saw the post now
I will provide .

Edited: Sent in Inbox.
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