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Downgrade enfin ta CX de 3.9 à 3.6 pour Ndless 3.6

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Re: Downgrade enfin ta CX de 3.9 à 3.6 pour Ndless 3.6

Message non lude Geekboy1011 » 06 Nov 2014, 23:23

NP I try to be an honest accepting person and that was just a mistake, This older issue just never was properly resolved in your eyes for reasons I cant understand. I know i did everything in my power to explain the actions I have taken. If they were heard/Understood is another issue.

To be honest I feel you are not seeing our side of the story. Which we have tried to explain and was refused to be understood. We (being cemetech/omnimaga) did what we did because we saw it as a mutual issue, And instead of facing the issue twice we faced it once together, We meant to post it up mutually timing may just have not worked out. If you refuse to accept/agree with that I can do nothing. Also I give you all full credit for the news on omnimaga. You most definetily did the work for it and earned the praise for it, But as far as I can currently remember the news it self was not the true issue, but only one part of it that fit with the other changes we wanted to implement. The reason being for that is I felt things that should not have been front page material were front paged, and my fellow staff and fellow community administrators agreed. Hence the new system on omnimaga.

Also is there a better place we can talk about this maybe a new thread or something? Instead of derailing this one?
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Re: Downgrade enfin ta CX de 3.9 à 3.6 pour Ndless 3.6

Message non lude critor » 07 Nov 2014, 08:34

The problem is I can see no mutual issue.
Discussing in the back of people about things you did just imagine is neither honest nor fair.

And if you can see a mutual issue, it's because you've been told lies as already explained above (but again, it seems you don't want to understand this nor to address the problem), and because you didn't want to check with other people involved

Geekboy1011 a écrit:But as far as I can currently remember the news it self was not the true issue, but only one part of it that fit with the other changes we wanted to implement. The reason being for that is I felt things that should not have been front page material were front paged, and my fellow staff and fellow community administrators agreed. Hence the new system on omnimaga.

We never got any email thanking us for our work and telling us about the new Omnimaga system, we got an ambiguous email with excuses totally unrelated, as if you needed some justification for the new Omnimaga system.
And this has nothing to do with Cemetech, as we have never been newsers on Cemetech.

But if you don't want to do anything, nothing is going to change.
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Re: Downgrade enfin ta CX de 3.9 à 3.6 pour Ndless 3.6

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 07 Nov 2014, 08:43

To be honest I feel you are not seeing our side of the story.

I'm not so sure about that, but it's crystal clear that your own sentence applies to you (singular at least, probably plural) wrt. us, given that you keep posting such sentences as the following one:
This older issue just never was properly resolved in your eyes for reasons I cant understand.

Neither you (plural), nor us, have gone to the bottom of this. At some point, remember that multiple persons from your side pulled out out of discussion, while there were things we still hadn't understood and requested information about - and therefore still don't understand, a year later.
The behaviour of quitting discussion in such a way was extremely rude, extremely contemptful. On Omnimaga, that kind of behaviour is seen as "behaving superior" / "insulting other persons' intelligence", and is grounds for receiving moderator warnings; yet that's exactly what some people on your side did.
I'm not stating that this is an unwarranted rule, as some behaviour is not tolerable on message boards, though that particular caused me, unexpectedly, to receive a moderator warning when asserting, in a discussion with SirCmpwn, that Silverlight isn't the best choice for portability. That was a fact back then, remained a fact since then, and in-between, Silverlight failed to get enough traction against Flash and HTML5, and was put onto maintenance mode... We didn't call each other names, we just held onto our positions for very few posts each.

The reason being for that is I felt things that should not have been front page material were front paged

It's your right as an administrator to rule your board the way you like. You, Eeems and others have stated that to us enough times.

Keep in mind that we cross-posting from TI-Planet helped both sites grow, up to several hundreds of posts every months reacting to the news items we posted, and we linked Omnimaga a whole lot as well (less so since all links to Omnimaga were broken despite our advance warnings about the disruptiveness of such a change that goes against common sense and W3C guidelines, and we didn't know whether/when they'd be broken again, and the simultaneous fact that we got more busy with school / work so we got less time for cross-posting stuff). That was always the goal when the Omnimaga / TI-Planet partnership was founded: having both of our sites shine. And we, on the TI-Planet side, invested ample amounts of time on Omnimaga for that goal...
We're aware that you resent the fact that an Omnimaga contest was once made less visible by a lengthy article in TI-Planet's detailed, technical style. However, was making the newsing process take more work for you admins (at best validating the topic as is, at worst spending time rewriting it), sometimes for a result of an arguably lower quality, the best you / we could have done for the purpose of growing both of our sites to new heights ?
What I mean about the "arguably lower quality" can be seen precisely for the current topic: in order to conform to your own standards, you removed images - it's your call - but most of all, you removed useful direct links to projects, for which there were even equivalent Omnimaga topics if you didn't want to only link TI-Planet, while you know that users like direct links because that way, they can avoid having to look up by themselves !

Maybe your goals about newsing and activity changed (it's your right, it's your site)... but then you totally failed to convey the message to us in a way we could understand, as pointed by critor ;)
Maybe you realized - or someone made you realize - that Omnimaga had grown a small dependency on TI-Planet staff for newsing and helping on message boards, and you wanted to reduce that, which is within your rights... but then your (plural) reactions, which deterred multiple of us in disgust from participating on such a hostile place as Omnimaga, have highlighted the dependency. Cemetech staff didn't fill in the blanks for newsing, especially on the Nspire front, and Cemetech staff is starting to grow an Nspire activity on Cemetech (they're fully entitled to doing that, obviously !).
See, as I wrote earlier, we're still left speculating on what some of your (plural) motivations were. We're pretty much convinced you (plural), from both Omnimaga and Cemetech, didn't tell everything honestly...

Also is there a better place we can talk about this maybe a new thread or something?

Certainly, and on our side, we're still willing to discuss - but where ?
Probably on a place where most stakeholders are already registered, i.e. Omnimaga, or Cemetech to a slightly lesser extent. The mere fact that TI-Planet's interface is available in English was news to multiple of you as late as this month (it's been for a while !), or the fact that multiple of you assume that everything posted on TI-Planet is unreadable to them (that was brought up on the Cemetech when I asked, over a week later, whether really nobody cares about Micro Python, despite its crystal clear educational usefulness), shows that few of you have accounts on TI-Planet, and multiple of you display some worrying ignorance about TI-Planet...
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Re: Downgrade enfin ta CX de 3.9 à 3.6 pour Ndless 3.6

Message non lude Geekboy1011 » 08 Nov 2014, 20:04

Well to start with things I completely had control over, The News System changes were in planning before all of this. This was just a medium to motivate and push them to completion. I will agree on that. Also it is more work but I have been the one working on handling the approval of news and while it is more work I feel it's better. Also I removed the images because the topic was about the Downgrade not micropython , nPdf, ETC. That was personal choice, And the orignal text I was given didn't have any images, Or links. So I added what I felt was relevant (and totally missed the fact that there were links and will add those shortly >.< ). When I approve news I tend to not make any changes other then grammatical errors, If even that.

As for omnimaga needing Ti-Planet I will say we benefited greatly but we don't explicitly need you, But I would like to have the benifits again because like you said None of us have time. Also the original setup with Ti-Planet was made by DJ, I would have done things a little different from the start, I have no idea how the others would have done it but thats the past.

The issue that I have experienced is with how you do things, And how you refuse to take an answer, And in general how you behave. There is more then 1 mutual issue I have seen, but as far as I am concerned they are fixed, and finished, and I have moved past, Cause they are just not worth getting hung up on, You are just who you are.

The mutual issues stem from the above, How I personally see you doing things and the way you do things is what stemmed me into agreeing with this, Because I wanted to avoid an issue in the future by taking care of it mutually, Solve it in one shot not 2.

also apologies for no emails? That's why it got front paged. We don't ever send out emails for anything >.< we are really bad with that.

The issue with the news and cemetech are unrelated you do know that? We just addressed them at the same time.
And honestly I do want it fixed but I don't want the argument, If we could just let the past be the past and move on I would be ecstatic, But that's your choice not mine, And I don't see you making it. As you said said earlier feel free to surprise me.
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Re: Downgrade enfin ta CX de 3.9 à 3.6 pour Ndless 3.6

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 08 Nov 2014, 20:25

As he already wrote explicitly, critor can't take some answers, because some of the answers that he / we received don't make sense, period. It's all to easy to blame him for his supposed failings about the Omnimaga / Cemetech / TI-Planet situation, while there are lots of other persons he was, and still is, able to cooperate with over the years, including such difficult personalities as M.N. (until he went crazy, you know the story).

Also, it's a fact that your posting stats are down from last year (the thread about decreased activity since 2011 keeps popping back once in a while), while our visit stats are up. We're not so arrogant as to believe that all of it is due to your staff deterring highly technical users from contributing activity to a place in disgust (which is never a smart thing to do), that said.

As we both outlined, there's still something that hasn't been told us (at all, or in a way that we could understand) in your actions and reactions. Your highness (plural) still hasn't enlightened us peasants, your side went away with such references "pulling out of Vietnam" (WTF ?) while we were still very much asking for getting a better understanding (because we know that unsolved problems keep springing back sooner or later). Have you realized how the discussion shutdown from your side was grossly rude and full of contempt ?
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Re: Downgrade enfin ta CX de 3.9 à 3.6 pour Ndless 3.6

Message non lude Geekboy1011 » 08 Nov 2014, 20:30

I Did not make those references. So uhm what. That's just not cool on my end either. Also that "Your Highnesses thing is something that does make me mad. I'm trying to not be better then you and none of this was about being better then one another. It was always an issue of you wanting things your way and us wanting them ours and No one agreeing. So please cut that shit. But i do agree WTF at references like that.

So lets try this a different way. What questions are not answered adequately. Because to be honest I don't remember, and I would like to try to get this fixed.
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Re: Downgrade enfin ta CX de 3.9 à 3.6 pour Ndless 3.6

Message non lude DoOmnimaga » 10 Nov 2014, 05:52

Geekboy1011 a écrit:Also the original setup with Ti-Planet was made by DJ, I would have done things a little different from the start, I have no idea how the others would have done it but thats the past.

Erm I was no longer Omnimaga admin when the TI-Planet partnership with Omnimaga started. Totoyo asked me if PC could do a banner exchange with Omnimaga then I told him to contact the admins. I talked about the idea to Critor and then when TI-Planet opened, he asked me who to contact to instate a banner exchange-type affiliation between TI-Planet and Omni. But I had zero control on how Omnimaga admins would do it and if it would be done or not (as proof, it evolved into a different type of affiliation than I originally suggested), since I retired nearly two months before.
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Re: Downgrade enfin ta CX de 3.9 à 3.6 pour Ndless 3.6

Message non lude adjeuxis » 09 Jan 2015, 00:09

excuser moi cela marche sur les revision de type p
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Re: Downgrade enfin ta CX de 3.9 à 3.6 pour Ndless 3.6

Message non lude Adriweb » 09 Jan 2015, 03:57

Cf. mon post ici : viewtopic.php?p=175437#p175437 puisque tu as posté 2 fois.
Et apparamment c'est donc une question.

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Re: Downgrade enfin ta CX de 3.9 à 3.6 pour Ndless 3.6

Message non lude critor » 09 Jan 2015, 11:53

Comme l'a dit Adriweb, oui.
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