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[RetroFeature] nEigenMath: portage Nspire CX du moteur CAS

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Re: [RetroFeature] nEigenMath: portage Nspire CX du moteur C

Message non lude critor » 22 Jan 2018, 13:06

I thought the CAS problem was fixed, so why such a long post ? What are you trying to achieve ?

Countries which care about CAS (Portugal, Netherlands...) switched to the exam mode.
And Ndless 4.5 doesn't launch startup programs in exam mode anymore.

After fixing Ndless there is no valid reason to go an attacking/censoring/hiding boot loaders.
And anyway, while there are legitimate/valid uses, there is no valid reason to do so in my opinion.

If you don't agree with those lines, then logically you're against Ndless too. Because Ndless also has KhiCAS which is great, nEigenmath, and other non permanent ways to launch CAS OSes.

As far as I know, parrotgeek1 did never update his CAS patcher for the latest 4.5 OS. So in my opinion, he is not actively promoting this. Just because it's possible is enough motivation for many tinkerers you know. Currently, users have to choose between CAS and the 4.5 great new features.
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Re: [RetroFeature] nEigenMath: portage Nspire CX du moteur C

Message non lude Adriweb » 22 Jan 2018, 13:19

I simply wrote these few lines because I was advised too :)
For me, as long as a CAS OS can run on a non-CAS device, the (moral) matter will never be solved in the community...

I don't disagree with many things hacking-related in the calculator community, as many of us are "bidouilleurs" (me included), but for instance PTT-killers (and related), CAS-OS-on-nonCAS-devices patchers/launchers/etc. are one of the things I don't agree with. Primarily because they (contrary to KhiCAS or nEigenmath) directly and actively bypass protections on systems in order to run and perform forbidden actions (under exams circumstances, for instance). Hard to agree to promote cheating and risking toxic behaviour for the community to have negative consequences for all of us. Yes, with PTT and the new Ndless versions, the risk to have people succeed in cheating by having CAS when they shouldn't, for instance, is lower, which is good :)

The launcher itself, I may not disagree with at 100%, but one has to really be blind (simply refuse to see the truth) to see that 99.99% of its usage is going to be for cheating. Even parrotgeek said it in his first post of the topic, "people will not need such ndless programs soon" (paraphrasing). There is no defense to this.

Here, the fact that parrotgeek is the developer of both this launcher and the CAS patches (no matter the versions, even though he did say multiple times he will update it) is making the situation even worse. The CAS-OS-on-nonCAS-devices patches should never have existed. Now he, TI-Planet, and the community as a whole, are stained with this filth.

Anyway, I only "wanted" to post one message, now that I've written twice that, I'll stop ;) (Plus, I have to pack some things, I'll be gone for a few days, for work, probably without much access to the internet freely... so bye-bye everyone until this week-end, probably)

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Re: [RetroFeature] nEigenMath: portage Nspire CX du moteur C

Message non lude critor » 22 Jan 2018, 13:29

He is developping both (although as I mentionned he never updated the CAS patchers for 4.5) because nobody leaked a Boot1 4.0 flaw. That's all.

If a Boot1 4.0 flaw had been exploited, be sure that I would have updated ControlX and that it would have been *perfectly* clean.

You may fear that he'll include some CAS related code in his own boot loader, yes, although there were none in nBoot+ControlX and Nlaunch CXM 2.5 (the latest Nlaunch* update).

But the situation is not his fault, it's just a consequence of the higher security in Boot1 4.0, or of a decision to stop releasing Boot1 flaws (nothing since october 2015 - strangely more than 2 years now). A very bad decision in the later case, things could have been much different. When decisions are too extreme and thus unfair, people don't respect them and find workarounds to do things by themselves.
For whatever reason it is, we'll have to deal with the consequences and with this new Boot1.5-based boot loader, whatever is hidden inside its code, and release tutorials for it.
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