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[RetroFeature] nEigenMath: portage Nspire CX du moteur CAS

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Re: nEigenMath : un portage du moteur CAS pour TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude Ti64CLi++ » 21 Jan 2018, 20:25

Possible, je modifie ;)
Merci Hamza.S :)
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Re: nEigenMath : un portage du moteur CAS pour TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 21 Jan 2018, 21:09

[deleted banter]
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Re: nEigenMath : un portage du moteur CAS pour TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude critor » 21 Jan 2018, 21:15

Yeah I told Lionel (after his post though) you probably had the new Boot1.5 based boot loader in mind, and not a PTT-killer or something like this.

Just to make something clearer. Yes, ControlX has some code from parrotgeek1 - that's why he's mentioned as one of the developers in the TI-Planet archive entry - thank you @parrotgeek1 for your many valuable posts in the nBoot+ControlX tutorial topic. :)

But ControlX has no CAS-specific code.

Very old (3.6-) non protected CX CAS OS (incompatible with last years CX hardware revisions), can boot yes.
But other (3.9+) CX CAS OS won't work, at least not without something else.
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Re: nEigenMath : un portage du moteur CAS pour TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 21 Jan 2018, 21:21

Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 08 Jan 2021, 01:20, édité 1 fois.
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Re: nEigenMath : un portage du moteur CAS pour TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 21 Jan 2018, 21:25

Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 08 Jan 2021, 01:20, édité 2 fois.
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Re: nEigenMath : un portage du moteur CAS pour TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 21 Jan 2018, 21:26

The context of his post, in this topic, had nothing to do with the boot1.5-based bootloader you two are developing, which I was aware of. His post:
And the interface is worse, and the KhiCAS crashing bug was fixed with 4.5, so, ... Why would you use this?

But you won't need to anyway because a surprise is coming soon. For ALL hardware revisions.

was clearly about removing the need to use nEigenmath or KhiCAS. The obvious way to do so - a way which is definitely made easier by exploits in the boot1.5 or boot2 - is by running the CAS OS on the non-CAS models, which is precisely the main goal of some of his previous works.

Given all that... how else should the text I quoted be interpreted in this context (without dubious reading between the lines) ? ;)

Your newer posts indicate that you're not OK with people using the boot1.5-based bootloader to cheat with the CAS, which is good.
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Re: nEigenMath : un portage du moteur CAS pour TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude critor » 21 Jan 2018, 21:32

I guessed he meant the boot loader, since it was the only huge development I knew about.

And a boot loader is not evil in itself.
No reason to censor it more than Nlaunch*/nBoot.

Being able to run old/modified/different/alternate OS versions is great, legitimate in many situations, and also very useful in some situations (only way to updgrade/unbrick...). :bj:
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Re: nEigenMath : un portage du moteur CAS pour TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude Lionel Debroux » 21 Jan 2018, 21:33

And a boot loader is not evil in itself.
No reason to censor it more than Nlaunch*/nBoot.

Being able to run old/modified/different OS versions is great, legitimate in many situations, and also very useful in some situations. :bj:

Yes, yes and yes, as a matter of fact :)
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Re: nEigenMath : un portage du moteur CAS pour TI-Nspire CX

Message non lude parrotgeek1 » 21 Jan 2018, 21:34

Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 08 Jan 2021, 01:20, édité 1 fois.
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Re: [RetroFeature] nEigenMath: portage Nspire CX du moteur C

Message non lude Adriweb » 22 Jan 2018, 12:48

@Ti64CLi++ :
puisqu'il s'agit d'une retro-feature, j'ai légèrement modifié la news :)

I didn't want to reply to this all debate, but since I was told I should...

@parrotgeek1 :
It's not even irony at this point, rather hypocrisy - you know very well that most users (except maybe a dozen people worldwide, including critor, and I'm being quite generous with this number) of this will use it to install the CAS OS on their non-CAS device. You saying "But you won't need to anyway because a surprise is coming soon. For ALL hardware revisions" in this topic proves that point, Lionel mentioned it already, and others privately as well.

It's laughable (and not in a good way) to see you write "hide or obscure in any way the fact that the CAS operating system is running [...]" while you're also the author of the CAS patcher, making the link between the two obvious (and with everything else that will/may bridge the two in between, let alone tutorials that will surely be written). And adding a CAS-related disclaimer on the download page is going to make people (who didn't know about it) wonder about CAS-on-nonCAS then, anyway. I'm not seeing any good thing there.

And if you care about ethics, I guess that your "That serves no purpose other than to help cheaters" argument can be applied in this case as well: in countries where stupid exam regulators disallow the CAS, it's thus considered cheating to have a CAS-capable calculator (not any less than bypassing PTT, etc. as you said). So.. the conclusion comes naturally. Bypassing restrictions to force the CAS OS onto a non-CAS device is about the worst way possible to send a message to whoever may be able to affect CAS-related regulations in the future (in order to allow it, since that's a positive change for all) - to quote Lionel, "toxic to the community" at the very least. And for KhiCAS (and nEigenmath), even if TI don't like them on non-CAS devices (understandably), they are just ports of FOSS, breaking any kind of protection as not required to port them - thus they are probably much less undesirable (and yeah indeed, even OSLauncher didn't have to break any protections, apparently, at the time). Programs like that can be disabled/removed easily by enabling PTT for instance. But enabling PTT won't disable the core features of the CAS OS.... (especially if you patch out the pieces you need to make it work, anyway)

Anyway, once again, that's my opinion, but it turns out that I'm not the only one with it...

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