
The first Clone of ClassWiz appeared in China

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The first Clone of ClassWiz appeared in China

Unread postby hikari_calyx » 23 Nov 2017, 13:43

Since Oct 2014, CASIO ClassWiz series scientific calculators don't have clones until today.

In case you don't know, ClassWiz model in France is fx-92/B Speciale College, and the flagship ClassWiz model in China is fx-991CN X.

Here it is - D991CN Plus Chinese made by Deli Stationery, a well-known Chinese Stationery manufacturer. The screenshot comes from Jingdong.

In fact, before Deli's attemption, there's another Chinese manufacturer called GTTTZEN which seems imitated CITIZEN tried to make ClassWiz clone, but only the appearance.

I wonder if I can buy one to make a review?
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Re: The first Clone of ClassWiz appeared in China

Unread postby critor » 23 Nov 2017, 21:35

Thank you very much.

So, same firmware apparently, but it would be interesting to check if it's using a similar PCB or not.
Some 2D clones were using a much different (cheaper?) PCB.
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