
Firebird Emu v1.1- TI-Nspire emulator (big) update!

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Firebird Emu v1.1- TI-Nspire emulator (big) update!

Unread postby Vogtinator » 26 Nov 2016, 15:57

In a news article from a year and a half ago, Firebird Emu, the open-source and cross-platform community TI-Nspire emulator was announced.
Now, it's time for a big update, from v0.30 to v1.0 (or in fact v1.1, a few hours ago)!
Don't hesitate to reply with any feedback/comment/bug-reports... :)

Download it on GitHub!
Dans une news d'il y a un an et demi, Firebird Emu, l'émulateur de TI-Nspire communautaire open-source et cross-platforme était annoncé.
Désormais, il est temps d'annoncer une grosse mise-à-jour, passant de la v0.30 à la v1.0 (ou plutôt v1.1, il y a quelques heures) !
N'hésitez pas à répondre avec vos retours/commentaires/bug-reports... :)

A télécharger sur GitHub!

New features:
  • Add new configuration dialog
  • Add easier way to manage multiple flash images with Kits
  • External LCD window, useful for presentations or saving screen space

Core improvements:
  • Emulation of different HW revisions (A, J and W) of CX
  • Support boot1 4.0 found in HW-W+ calcs
  • Support lcd_compat mode used by ndless
  • General speedups for x86_64 and ARM JITs
  • Supports CX installer images
  • Add headless and emscripten platforms (no binaries, not really that useful)
  • Emscripten demo on https://nspire-emus.github.io/firebird/firebird.html

Keypad improvements:
  • Add labels to the keypad
  • More intuitive keymap for mapping host keyboard to calc keypad
  • Touchpad can now be used to move the OS cursor
  • Make active area of buttons bigger to make typing with touchscreens easier
  • Avoid buttons appearing stuck after hovering with mouse

Misc. / other fixes:
  • The 32bit iOS binary detects JIT capability on runtime to avoid crashes
  • Some minor bugs fixed, like potential deadlocks in the debugger
  • Fix running functions from GDB
  • Improve HiDPI scaling
  • Mobile UI optimized for tablets in landscape orientation (right- and left-handed mode)
  • Add an update-checking feature to the about dialog

  • The internal format of snapshots changed - firebird will refuse to load snapshots created with an earlier version.
    You can use the old version to save your work to the flash image first.
    The macOS version isn't codesigned, so to launch it you may need to either right-click the .app and choose Open, or simply disable GateKeeper entirely.
  • The iOS version is 32-bit only (for now anyway) and is built with JIT (which will disable itself if your device is not jailbroken)
  • The Windows version also has a mobile/tablet .exe that may suit those platforms better.

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Re: Firebird Emu v1.1- TI-Nspire emulator (big) update!

Unread postby Adriweb » 26 Nov 2016, 17:01

(Moved to news with minor layout changes ; French translation in progress)

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Re: Firebird Emu v1.1- TI-Nspire emulator (big) update!

Unread postby GalacticPirate » 26 Nov 2016, 17:09

Holy... Finally a nice GUI ! (I know GUI are for noobs, but I love pretty things :P)
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Re: Firebird Emu v1.1- TI-Nspire emulator (big) update!

Unread postby Adriweb » 26 Nov 2016, 17:12

The previous Firebird versions also had a nice GUI, though not as pretty for the configuration.

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Re: Firebird Emu v1.1- TI-Nspire emulator (big) update!

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 26 Nov 2016, 17:13

This is great work, as usual :)

If I had more time and energy, I'd look at (co-)working on a Debian package, but I don't even take care of my own projects appropriately at the moment...
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Re: Firebird Emu v1.1- TI-Nspire emulator (big) update!

Unread postby jaroslavN » 26 Nov 2016, 17:28

Is the android version updated too?
tank you
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Re: Firebird Emu v1.1- TI-Nspire emulator (big) update!

Unread postby Adriweb » 26 Nov 2016, 17:33

Yes everything is on the release page

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Re: Firebird Emu v1.1- TI-Nspire emulator (big) update!

Unread postby jaroslavN » 26 Nov 2016, 18:39

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Re: Firebird Emu v1.1- TI-Nspire emulator (big) update!

Unread postby Vogtinator » 28 Nov 2016, 22:38

Quick update: v1.1.1 has been released with a small bugfix for touchpad cursor handling.
Previously the handling of dragging (like the graph view) was a bit bad, it should work fine now.

Also, v1.1 has already been downloaded a whopping 268 times (on GitHub, not counting the linux repo) and all releases together 45337 times!
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Re: Firebird Emu v1.1- TI-Nspire emulator (big) update!

Unread postby critor » 28 Nov 2016, 22:52

Great @Vogtinator. :D

jaroslavN wrote:Image

And this is very interesting too, @jaroslavN. :)

It could replace the dead official TI-Nspire Document Player once we have a way to load files... :D
And even surpass it once there is a keypad ! ;)
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