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TI-82 Early Hardware and ROM Versions

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TI-82 Early Hardware :: ROM 7*, 15.0

Message non lude CVSoft » 07 Aoû 2015, 08:42

Image Image

I have found and purchased two TI-82s that have been documented but don't exist in my collection. The former has ROM 7*, which is undumped and, sadly, has missing rows on the screen; I will likely replace the LCD at the expense of originality if I am unable to repair it. The latter has ROM 15.0; Adriweb also owns one, but I didn't. I now have a (supposedly) complete collection of ROM versions from 4* to 16.0, except the elusive 11.0.
* CVSoft happy

ROM 7* supposedly supports Assembly via OS-82; I have my doubts due to the different ROM call table length, but after 15 years we can finally find out :).
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Re: TI-82 Early Hardware and ROM Versions

Message non lude critor » 10 Aoû 2015, 09:18

Great. :bj:
Did you already receive the TI-82 with ROM 7* ?

Could you dump its ROM ?
It would be better to try this before attempting to repair the screen. ;)
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Re: TI-82 Early Hardware and ROM Versions

Message non lude CVSoft » 10 Aoû 2015, 17:21

critor a écrit:Great. :bj:
Did you already receive the TI-82 with ROM 7* ?

Could you dump its ROM ?
It would be better to try this before attempting to repair the screen. ;)

I'll have it in about eight hours from this posting, along with 15.0 so we can get PCB pictures of it.
* CVSoft bops Adriweb
Since these aren't TI-81s and we don't need the screens to dump the ROMs, I'll do all the ROM dumping and PCB imaging before messing around with the screen. I'll probably find a HW-'K' or other unspecial TI-82 to donate a screen.

[EDIT] I have both of them now. The screen damage to 7* isn't going away on its own. Preliminary tests of OS-82 show that the shell works but programs don't. 7* is very similar to 8.0. 7* is not affected by the Plot1( bug.
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Niveau 12: CP (Calculatrice sur Pattes)
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Re: TI-82 Early ROM Versions :: 9.0 Discovered

Message non lude CVSoft » 19 Aoû 2015, 03:41

I have purchased a TI-82 with ROM 9.0, another previously unknown ROM version. It was produced in June 1993, is of pre-'A' hardware revision, and has serial number 0623045. I estimate its arrival to be within this week.
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Re: TI-82 Early Hardware and ROM Versions

Message non lude critor » 19 Aoû 2015, 17:19

Great, a new unknown TI-82 ROM ! :bj:

Did the seller send you any picture of it ? ;)
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Re: TI-82 Early Hardware and ROM Versions

Message non lude CVSoft » 19 Aoû 2015, 18:57

critor a écrit:Great, a new unknown TI-82 ROM ! :bj:

Did the seller send you any picture of it ? ;)

Nope, I forgot to ask :(. It'll be here soon enough anyways, which will be around Friday or Monday. I just hope I don't find any more rare TI-82s in the meantime, I seem to have increased sellers' confidence in listing them over $20 x.x . TI-82s don't sell on eBay very often, so the numerous purchases made by myself and Adriweb have confused the market a bit. Sellers don't see the difference between the ROM versions, so all they see is a TI-82 selling for up to $42 within days of listing while their own $10 listing hasn't sold in months. I have noticed that some sellers now list the ROM version in their item descriptions :P which saves me a bit of work in managing the TI-82 serial number database.
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Niveau 12: CP (Calculatrice sur Pattes)
Niveau 12: CP (Calculatrice sur Pattes)
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Re: TI-82 Early Hardware and ROM Versions

Message non lude Ti64CLi++ » 03 Déc 2015, 20:34

Hello, I have a Ti 82 Stats.
I look at the maintenance menu (mode, 2nd+ln) and I see 1.00001.
I seen the 1.00001 OS is not dumped so I contact you.
It is possible to dump this ROM?
Thank you in advance
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Re: TI-82 Early Hardware and ROM Versions

Message non lude critor » 03 Déc 2015, 20:38

Isn't it rather 1.10001 ?

It's a TI-83 (not Plus) compatible ROM.
You can dump it with TiLP.
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Re: TI-82 Early Hardware and ROM Versions

Message non lude Ti64CLi++ » 03 Déc 2015, 21:01

C'est une ROM de TI 83?
Pourtant, elle est bleu, et il y a marqué TI 82 Stats.
Comment je peux la dumper, je n’ai pas le cable USB--->Jack 2,5mm ?
Et puis TILP ne marche pas sur mon ordi (j’ai Windows 7) :(
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Niveau 16: CC2 (Commandeur des Calculatrices)
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GitHub: Ti64CLi

Re: TI-82 Early Hardware and ROM Versions

Message non lude critor » 03 Déc 2015, 21:03

La TI-82 Stats réutilise la carte mère TI-83.
La ROM 1.10001 a déjà été dumpée. :)
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Niveau 19: CU (Créateur Universel)
Niveau 19: CU (Créateur Universel)
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Inscription: 25 Oct 2008, 00:00
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