
gbc4nspire: Emulateur Game Boy Color

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Catégorie :Category: Utilitaires TI-Nspire
Auteurs Authors: calc84maniac, goplat, Mrakoplaz, Vogtinator
Type : Classeur
Taille Size: 92.15 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 27/02/2010 - 20:49:56
Mis à jour Updated: 30/01/2017 - 19:34:24
Uploadeur Uploader: critor (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 80198
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a1649


L'émulateur de Nintendo Game Boy et Nintendo Game Boy Color pour les TI-Nspire
Nécessite l'installation de Ndless.

v0.93, HW-W+ compatible

Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUHezD5S6OU

Pour la GameBoy Advance, par ici : http://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=6622


1) About
gbc4nspire is a Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for the TI-Nspire, TI-Nspire CAS, TI-Nspire CX, and TI-Nspire CX CAS written from scratch in ARM assembly.
Now with Ndless file association support. Make sure to get the latest revision of Ndless!

2) Installation
First, install Ndless so you can run third party programs. Ndless can be found here: http://www.unsads.com/projects/nsptools/downloader/download/release/1
Next, create a new folder on the device to hold the emulator and ROMs.
Then, send gbc4nspire.tns to your calculator using your TI-Nspire linking software.
Try running it from the Documents menu. It should say that it cannot find any ROM files. Press ESC to exit.
To install Ndless file associations for gbc4nspire (Ndless r530 and up), edit ndless.cfg.tns using a text editor such as Notepad.
ndless.cfg.tns can be found in the same folder as ndless_resources.tns and the Ndless installers.
Define the .gb.tns and .gbc.tns extensions by adding the following lines (or editing if they already exist):
If you renamed the emulator to something other than gbc4nspire.tns, use that name instead.
Note: Some newer revisions of Ndless may already have those lines for you, so you can just send ndless.cfg.tns to the ndless folder as it is.

3) Sending ROM files
Take a gameboy ROM file and add a .tns extension. If you start with "rom.gb", you should end up with "rom.gb.tns".
Please keep the filename less than 40 characters so the filename will fit on the TI-Nspire screen.
Note: If you are using Windows, you may need to change your folder settings if you cannot see file extensions.
Then, use your TI-Nspire linking software to send the ".gb.tns" or ".gbc.tns" file to your device, in the same folder as the emulator.
You can currently only have 14 ROMs at a time due to the menu size. However, you can bypass this limit by creating another emulator folder.
Or, if you are using the Ndless file association feature (Ndless r530 and up), you can open any ROM directly from the Documents menu. See Installation.

4) Running ROM files
There are now two methods of running ROM files.
1) Run the emulator. A menu should come up where you can select a ROM to run from that folder. Select a ROM and press ENTER or Click.
2) If using the Ndless file association feature (Ndless r530 and up), you can open any ROM from any folder directly from the Documents menu. See Installation.

In-game controls for CLICKPAD (note: the game buttons were strategically located so there are no issues with pressing more than one at once)
Arrows = D-Pad
Esc = A
Tab = B
Caps = Start
Clear = Select

HOME = Quit (a .sav file is automatically generated if the ROM supports save games)
e^x = Save state to .state file
10^x = Load state from .state file
+/- = Change contrast
multiply = Hold for no frame limit (run as fast as possible)

In-game controls for TOUCHPAD and CX (two sets of controls are provided for your personal preference):
Touchpad/numpad = D-Pad
doc/catalog = A
menu/divide = B
var = Start
del = Select

esc = Quit (a .sav file is automatically generated if the ROM supports save games)
e^x = Save state to .state file
10^x = Load state from .state file
+/- = Change contrast or backlight
multiply = Hold for no frame limit (run as fast as possible)

5) Random thoughts
.sav.tns files are usually compatible with .sav files generated by other GBC emulators. They contain the data saved on the GBC cartridge.
.state.tns files are NOT compatible with any other emulator.
When using the touchpad as a d-pad, only touch it with one finger or it screws up. That's TI's fault for making it touch-based rather than using actual buttons.
There is a special easter egg in the CX version, activated by pressing a certain key. Hint: It may have no effect in color games ;)

6) Special thanks
ExtendeD and geogeo, for creating Ndless
Goplat, for creating a great TI-Nspire emulator and for help with OS routines (and hex editing the Ndless 1.7 version)
Omnimaga, for being so awesome! http://www.omnimaga.org/

7) To Do
The source code got lost over a year ago, so any recent changes were made with a hex editor. No more changes are currently planned.

8) Version history
First release.
Updated for Ndless 1.7 support (under the same version number because nothing significant was changed)
Added Touchpad and Nspire CX support (CX has color and 60FPS). On the CX, the watchdog timer is used to automatically reboot if the emulator crashes.
Added smooth scaling support to all versions. The pixels do not appear excessively uneven anymore.
Fixed a crash-inducing glitch that showed up particularly in Link's Awakening DX.
Removed Ndless 1.1 builds because nobody uses that Ndless version anymore.
Combined all versions into a single executable.
Added support for Ndless file associations.
Uses a slightly different touchpad-to-dpad conversion.
v0.92: (by Vogtinator)
Fix stack corruption issue on recent OS/Ndless versions that made it crash.
v0.93 (?) (by Vogtinator)
Fix HW-W+ compatibility mode

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