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[Tuto] Installation Application TI-82 Advanced

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Re: [Tuto] Installation Application TI-82 Advanced

Unread postby parrotgeek1 » 09 Nov 2024, 09:12

I have massively improved the documentation in the repository containing these tools and cleaned up the build scripts. I moved the repository to https://github.com/parrotgeek1/TI-82_Advanced_Jailbreak - existing links will redirect to the new location. The build scripts now stop on failure (I also fixed To8xv to exit with code 1 instead of 0 on failure), use Python 3 instead of relying on the existence of an unversioned "python" command, and use .NET Runtime instead of Mono, which should make them easier to run on newer operating systems. I tested them on a recent macOS version recently, except for the actual calculator transfer functionality because I no longer have a TI-82 Advanced. There is now a user-friendly error message if you don't have pyusb installed, and you can now build the exploit backup without it installed.
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