
NSPICE - A Circuit Builder and Simulator

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NSPICE - A Circuit Builder and Simulator

Unread postby M4dasOne » 21 Feb 2019, 11:33


Recently, I have been working on an Circuit Builder and Simulator for the TI Nspire. The result is NSPICE! The name plays off of the Nspire technology and popular SPICE simulator for integrated circuits and its related programs (PSPICE, XSPICE, LTSPICE etc.)

This project is still in its alpha stages, and I plan to put a lot more into it. In the meantime however, I wanted to post and upload here to get some feedback.
Currently, it supports circuits composed of Resistors, Voltage Sources and Current sources.

Here is a video showing some of the features so far

Future features I hope to implement include:
  • Save and load circuits
  • Better help menu
  • Dialog messages to indicate why / when a solve fails
  • Warning message before clearing the circuit
  • Option to always view component name / values
  • Color Themes
  • Export data to TI Nspire Basic variables
  • Calculate current through voltage sources
  • Allow resistors with 0 resistance.
  • More components (Diodes, Lights, Switches, Capacitors, Inductors ..)
  • Clean up source and add function docs

NSPICE uses the GUI Toolkit from FormulaPro, by Adriweb and Jim Bauwens. Much thanks to them!

I understand that the user base here is mostly French, so thank you for reading this far in English!
Let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions. The source code is attached, and the .tns file can be found here

Update [v0.1.1] Fixed a bug that pressing the tab key would crash the program
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Last edited by M4dasOne on 22 Feb 2019, 01:33, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: NSPICE - A Circuit Builder and Simulator

Unread postby Programmator88 » 21 Feb 2019, 11:39

Hey, very cool and interesting project! You did a goog job :) Will an adaptation for TI-83PCE come ? :P
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Re: NSPICE - A Circuit Builder and Simulator

Unread postby Adriweb » 21 Feb 2019, 11:42

Fantastic job indeed, congratulations.
Many people have wanted such a tool !

It's newsworthy so hopefully soon it can be featured on the tiplanet front page :)
Also, you should upload it here: upload.php

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Re: NSPICE - A Circuit Builder and Simulator

Unread postby M4dasOne » 21 Feb 2019, 11:54

Adriweb wrote:Fantastic job indeed, congratulations.
Many people have wanted such a tool !

It's newsworthy so hopefully soon it can be featured on the tiplanet front page :)
Also, you should upload it here: upload.php

Thank you! I have uploaded it.
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Re: NSPICE - A Circuit Builder and Simulator

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 21 Feb 2019, 12:02

Yeah, good job indeed :)
Reminds me of Symbulator, for the TI-68k series.

We're mostly French-speaking indeed, but we have a number of users posting exclusively in English, and unlike Cemetech, we do have Nspire developers.

Keep working on it ;)
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Re: NSPICE - A Circuit Builder and Simulator

Unread postby jimbauwens » 21 Feb 2019, 15:22

Hi, great job!

Glad to see someone using ETK :-)

By the way, there is a newer version of ETK: https://github.com/jimbauwens/ETK . It doesn't have all the widgets that the old version of ETK has, but it is programmed in a much better way. What might be interesting for you is the build system, was has greatly improved since the first version.

You can see an example program here: https://github.com/jimbauwens/ETK/blob/ ... TK/etk.lua .

Kind regards,
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Re: NSPICE - A Circuit Builder and Simulator

Unread postby M4dasOne » 21 Feb 2019, 17:09

jimbauwens wrote:Hi, great job!

Glad to see someone using ETK :-)

By the way, there is a newer version of ETK: https://github.com/jimbauwens/ETK . It doesn't have all the widgets that the old version of ETK has, but it is programmed in a much better way. What might be interesting for you is the build system, was has greatly improved since the first version.

You can see an example program here: https://github.com/jimbauwens/ETK/blob/ ... TK/etk.lua .

Kind regards,

Thanks. ETK was very helpful to me, I really appreciate it! :)

I saw the newer version and was actually using it at first. I opted for the older one because it seemed a bit lighter and I wasn't using hardly any of the features of the new one. It also had more examples and I didn't want to port over dropdowns, lists and scrollbars. While using --includes in the newer version was nice, I am just using my own builder now that just glues together a list of files, and it works fine for me. I might eventually switch to the newer version.
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Re: NSPICE - A Circuit Builder and Simulator

Unread postby Wistaro » 06 Mar 2019, 11:20

I'm impressed, it's an amazing work!

You should add more complex components (like transistos, diodes, thyristors, mos-fet...) in order to build more complex circuits!

I'm looking forward to it!
Good luck :)
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Re: NSPICE - A Circuit Builder and Simulator

Unread postby Extra44 » 06 Mar 2019, 20:29

Very nice !

@Critor... Il n'y as pas eu de news la dessus ? (Je n'en ai pas vu a priori...)
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Re: NSPICE - A Circuit Builder and Simulator

Unread postby Hamza.S » 06 Mar 2019, 20:33

Pas encore, non
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