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Upgrading CX II CAS from 5.1 to

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Upgrading CX II CAS from 5.1 to

Unread postby pikachufan » 21 Oct 2024, 16:18


I just ordered a CX II CAS on eBay confirmed to be running version 5.1 of the OS. It is my intention to upgrade the calculator to when the calculator arrives and install Ndless! I went ahead and ordered a license for the TI-Nspire CX CAS Student software. My question is as follows: do I need the CX Student software rather than the CX CAS Student software (the install instructions for Ndless don’t mention the CX CAS Student software), if I need to use the CX software can I use the same license key and is it okay to use the latest version of the student software regardless of which flavor of software ends up being correct (I noticed the latest version of the student software maps to the latest firmware version, but I am under the impression that we upload the specific firmware ourselves and that forward upgrading to not the latest version isn’t an issue but downgrading to an old firmware without Ndless installed doesn’t work)?

Thank you so much for your time!
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Re: Upgrading CX II CAS from 5.1 to

Unread postby Adriweb » 21 Oct 2024, 17:04

That's fine, you can use any CAS/non-CAS Nspire Computer Software for transfers/screenshots.
This free tool also works: https://lights0123.com/n-link/

Be sure to download 5.3 specifically if that's your goal (for Ndless), and not a more recent one. Then you can drag'n'drop the file onto the calc in the transfer pane of the software.

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Re: Upgrading CX II CAS from 5.1 to

Unread postby pikachufan » 21 Oct 2024, 17:13

Amazing! Thank you so much!
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Re: Upgrading CX II CAS from 5.1 to

Unread postby Maticalrock » 02 Nov 2024, 04:47

I found cr*ck files for student software and teacher software, but I don't know if I can share them here.
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Re: Upgrading CX II CAS from 5.1 to

Unread postby critor » 02 Nov 2024, 08:19


It's nice from you to ask.
We prefer not (it's against the rules), but have fun with it. :)
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