
Need help calculating derivatives

Programmation et implémentation d'algorithmes.

Need help calculating derivatives

Unread postby firedwheelman » 20 Feb 2018, 12:13

I am having a hard time figuring out how to calculate derivatives on the HP Prime. Do I need to download a certain program or can I compute it directly in CAS mode?
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Re: Need help calculating derivatives

Unread postby Hisham » 20 Feb 2018, 14:18

Yes, in CAS mode, there is also a template:

Hisham ;)
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Re: Need help calculating derivatives

Unread postby firedwheelman » 20 Feb 2018, 18:06

Hisham wrote:Yes, in CAS mode, there is also a template:

Hisham ;)

that method works for the easier problems but what about if I have something more complex like

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Re: Need help calculating derivatives

Unread postby Hisham » 20 Feb 2018, 21:57

Try this way (done with the Nspire CAS), using double round brackets:



Hisham ;)
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Re: Need help calculating derivatives

Unread postby firedwheelman » 22 Feb 2018, 16:54

Hisham wrote:Try this way (done with the Nspire CAS), using double round brackets:



Hisham ;)

when i plug it in that way i end up with


:#roll#: :#roll#:
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Re: Need help calculating derivatives

Unread postby parisse » 22 Feb 2018, 17:14

Run it from CAS (press the CAS key, use lowercase x).
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