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Swap screen between the ti 84 plus and the ti 83

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Swap screen between the ti 84 plus and the ti 83

Unread postby brokenti84plus » 15 Jan 2025, 17:26

I know its an old and cheap calc but i dont want to buy another one so i want to swap the screen with the ti 83 or plus versions screen cause they are cheap.
The old driver from the earlier ti 83s i mean 1999 has 120x64 video memory but i know the ti 84 uses only 96x64 so i think its possible.
the connector the same 44 pin flex cable.
Anyone tried it or do you think its possible?
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Re: Swap screen between the ti 84 plus and the ti 83

Unread postby critor » 15 Jan 2025, 17:42


I didn't try.
What are your TI-83 and TI-83 Plus datestamps ?

It's written on the back, at the right of the serial.
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Re: Swap screen between the ti 84 plus and the ti 83

Unread postby Adriweb » 15 Jan 2025, 18:05

LCDs and/or driver have changed in revisions on both calcs, so it would be unlikely to work if the LCD hardware between the calcs doesn't match.
But yeah we'd need the hw rev (datecode etc.) for each calc to know for sure.

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Re: Swap screen between the ti 84 plus and the ti 83

Unread postby brokenti84plus » 15 Jan 2025, 19:59

sadly this is the problem i mean i cant find 2004 ti 83 or expensive as the ti 84
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Re: Swap screen between the ti 84 plus and the ti 83

Unread postby brokenti84plus » 15 Jan 2025, 20:01

1999 or 1996 so i found a plus version from 1999 and a basic from 1996
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Re: Swap screen between the ti 84 plus and the ti 83

Unread postby Adriweb » 15 Jan 2025, 20:23

We mean all this (except for the serial I guess)


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