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Oiram Speedrun

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Oiram Speedrun

Unread postby Ninjaa » 27 Apr 2020, 03:26

Comme de plus en plus de gens s'intéressent au jeu de type mario pour la TI-83 Premium CE, il y a probablement eu de nombreuses tentatives pour battre le Default Pack aussi vite que possible. C'est pourquoi j'aimerais vous présenter la première catégorie officielle de speedrun d'Oiram ! Le pack par défaut. Pour que je puisse poster ces temps du mieux que je peux, avec un peu d'aide de Dabmaster_Arush et d'autres, pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît me faire parvenir vos temps de chaque niveau afin que je puisse les organiser dans un tableau de classement. Je suis enthousiaste pour ce nouveau chapitre de l'histoire du jeu de plateformes mario-like, Oiram ! Merci ! :)

As more people grow interested into the mario-like game for the TI-83 Premium CE, there have probably been many attempts to beat the Default Pack as fast as possible. Therefore, I would like to introduce you to the first official speedrun category of Oiram! The Default Pack. For me to be able to post these times as best I can, with a little help from Dabmaster_Arush and others, could you please PM me your times of each level so I can organize the times into a leaderboard. I am excited for this new chapter in the history of the mario-like platformer, Oiram! Thanks! :) :)
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Re: Oiram Speedrun

Unread postby Dabmaster_Arush » 27 Apr 2020, 20:28

Also remember that if you are comparing your run to the NES version, you must add 65.36 seconds which makes up for the load times in-between levels.
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Re: Oiram Speedrun

Unread postby M4x1m3 » 27 Apr 2020, 20:39

It ain't speedrun if it's not on speedrun.com... Jk nice idea. You can't really compare OIRAM to the NES version (at least any%), I don't think you can wrongwarp into pipes and stuff like that on OIRAM. Excited to see part of the TIPlanet community going into speed running tho.
"Regression testing"? What's that? If it compiles, it is good, if it boots up it is perfect.
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Re: Oiram Speedrun

Unread postby Dabmaster_Arush » 27 Apr 2020, 21:08

I didn't read that this was for the default pack. Yes, you are right about wrongwarps, but I have made sure to add them in the SMB1 pack. I should release a speedrun within a week.
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Re: Oiram Speedrun

Unread postby pwouik » 28 Apr 2020, 21:54

i just tried:5:53.68
start to the final message no split
for the moment i dont recorded,I made it directly on the calculator
for the moment we can't remap keys on CEmu so it's a bit hard to play on it
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Re: Oiram Speedrun

Unread postby Adriweb » 28 Apr 2020, 22:30

Hmm sure we can remap keys on CEmu, you just have to load a custom keymap config file (feature available since version 1.3, more specifically since this commit last year).
But for now, you'll have to create/edit the file manually.

Anyway, there are already alternative keybindings, if you hadn't noticed: https://github.com/CE-Programming/CEmu/wiki/Keybindings (in addition to the other keybindings supported from other emus)

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Re: Oiram Speedrun

Unread postby Ninjaa » 29 Apr 2020, 00:22

Just tried, got 5:02
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Re: Oiram Speedrun

Unread postby pwouik » 29 Apr 2020, 13:34

4:13 with more attempts
I know how to remap keys now
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Re: Oiram Speedrun

Unread postby Ninjaa » 29 Apr 2020, 17:49

How is it possible to get 4:13. The way I see it, the RTA rules are no power-ups and no glitches.
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Re: Oiram Speedrun

Unread postby pwouik » 29 Apr 2020, 20:11

i used power up
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