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Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 09 Fév 2016, 23:52
de critor
Some users report that ctrl+W is triggering a reboot.

It's possible with OS 4.0.3, but very rare here.

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 09 Fév 2016, 23:56
de RuneMasterGaming
critor a écrit:Some users report that ctrl+W is triggering a reboot.

It's possible with OS 4.0.3, but very rare here.

is there a possible work around or any way to fix this?

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 02:29
de snorecore
I'm having the same issue... CX CAS, running, recent purchase, on bottom right of back the Production code is P-1115W.

When I hit CTRL-W, calculator reboots, never see the green Ndless in the top left.

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 02:32
de RuneMasterGaming
snorecore a écrit:I'm having the same issue... CX CAS, running, recent purchase, on bottom right of back the Production code is P-1115W.

When I hit CTRL-W, calculator reboots, never see the green Ndless in the top left.

I have the same Production code.... is there some correlation between the product code and this not working?

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 02:36
de Adriweb
It is possible though somewhat surprising... Kind of hard to know for sure as the Ndless devs probably don't have the very latest hardware revisions (apparently W is from November 2015).

Does the reboot happen 100% of the time? (As in, if you try, like, 10 times, it always reboots and never succeeds once?)

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 02:38
de tho
bonsoir j'ai un petit souci pour l'installation de ndless, j'ai suivi à la lettre tout ce que vous avez dit et le message d'installation en vert de s'affiche pas. j'ai rest la calculette et refait au moins 3/4 fois l'installation et toujours rien.

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 02:38
de RuneMasterGaming
Adriweb a écrit:It is possible though somewhat surprising... Kind of hard to know for sure as the Ndless devs probably don't have the very latest hardware revisions (apparently W is from November 2015).

Does the reboot happen 100% of the time? (As in, if you try, like, 10 times, it always reboots and never succeeds once?)

I've tried (and yes I counted) 36 times and i reset the OS by reinstalling. I've re-downloaded ndless multiple times and looked over the tutorial 7 times. Every time it failed.

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 02:53
de Adriweb
tho a écrit:bonsoir j'ai un petit souci pour l'installation de ndless, j'ai suivi à la lettre tout ce que vous avez dit et le message d'installation en vert de s'affiche pas. j'ai rest la calculette et refait au moins 3/4 fois l'installation et toujours rien.

Quels sont les quelques derniers caractères du numéro de série au dos de la calculatrice ? (particulièrement la dernière lettre)

RuneMasterGaming a écrit:
Adriweb a écrit:It is possible though somewhat surprising... Kind of hard to know for sure as the Ndless devs probably don't have the very latest hardware revisions (apparently W is from November 2015).

Does the reboot happen 100% of the time? (As in, if you try, like, 10 times, it always reboots and never succeeds once?)

I've tried (and yes I counted) 36 times and i reset the OS by reinstalling. I've re-downloaded ndless multiple times and looked over the tutorial 7 times. Every time it failed.

Aww, that's a lot of tries :(
I guess you will have to wait maybe for an update if the developers ever find what's happening on such hardware revisions :/

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 02:56
de snorecore
Boot1 Version:
Boot2 Version:


Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 03:11
de Adriweb
Hm, I think this is the first time we see a TI-Nspire with a version 4.0.1 boot1 (!)

Things are definitely different on these new models, so I guess you'll have to wait until it's figured out.

Some photos of the motherboard may be interesting, too, since we haven't looked at such recent models yet, but I'd completely understand if you don't want to open your calc :P