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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / CX CAS

Message non luPosté: 13 Jan 2015, 21:22
de JSantosPT
Guys I just installed OS version 3.6...

My calculator isn't booting up... :#fou#:

What do I do now?

Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / CX CAS

Message non luPosté: 13 Jan 2015, 21:24
de critor
JSantosPT a écrit:My calculator isn't booting up... :#fou#:

What does it do then ?

Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / CX CAS

Message non luPosté: 13 Jan 2015, 21:28
de JSantosPT
God I just lost 10 years of my life because of this...

It boot up after some tries (it was shutting down before loading the menu to pick the language, the one with the clock)

I was actually thinking I had bricked my 1 day old Nspire :'(

Thanks for the help guys I am going to try to install Ndless now.

Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / CX CAS

Message non luPosté: 14 Jan 2015, 04:46
I need help with My Ti Nspire Cx (with trailing letter "T")...the downgrade to 3.6 os is successful and all work fine but I cannot disconnect them from pc or other usb power supply. Whithout the usb cable , the calculator tries to run but it turns off itself after a while. If I re-install the os it work fine again. Even with the doesn't work without the usb cable! Thanks
P.S.- Sorry about my english!

Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / CX CAS

Message non luPosté: 14 Jan 2015, 04:54
de Adriweb
RMMA a écrit:I need help with My Ti Nspire Cx (with trailing letter "T")

What do you mean, "T" ? The last character of the "serial" on the back of the calculator ?
Are you completely sure it is "T" ? Because we've seen "P" only recently, so going from there to "T" in such a quick amount of time would be quite crazy from TI....

RMMA a écrit:...the downgrade to 3.6 os is successful and all work fine but I cannot disconnect them from pc or other usb power supply. Whithout the usb cable , the calculator tries to run but it turns off itself after a while. If I re-install the os it work fine again. Even with the doesn't work without the usb cable!

Well, looks like something is up with this OS / recent hardware revisions... you're not the only one (although if it worked for other people, they wouldn't necessarily report that it worked, so... we can't really know for sure that it happens 100% of the time :/)

Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / CX CAS

Message non luPosté: 14 Jan 2015, 12:21
Yes, the last character is "T". Thanks

Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / CX CAS

Message non luPosté: 14 Jan 2015, 14:13
de Excale
RMMA a écrit:Yes, the last character is "T". Thanks

What are the 4 digits before the "T"?

Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / CX CAS

Message non luPosté: 14 Jan 2015, 14:52
de Adriweb
Or even the 5 characters before, actually ?
Also, could you tell us when you bought the calculator ?


Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / CX CAS

Message non luPosté: 14 Jan 2015, 17:19
The characters are "P-1014T" , and I bought the calculator in last week. Thanks

Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / CX CAS

Message non luPosté: 14 Jan 2015, 17:33
de Adriweb
All right, thanks for the details.

For now, the issue remains unknown, and ... I guess we'll let everyone know on this topic, when/if it is figured out.