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Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 03:14
de RuneMasterGaming
Adriweb a écrit:Hm, I think this is the first time we see a TI-Nspire with a version 4.0.1 boot1 (!)

Things are definitely different on these new models, so I guess you'll have to wait until it's figured out.

Some photos of the motherboard may be interesting, too, since we haven't looked at such recent models yet, but I'd completely understand if you don't want to open your calc :P

My Nspire has a 4.0.1 boot1 aswell

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 09:21
de critor
Adriweb a écrit:Hm, I think this is the first time we see a TI-Nspire with a version 4.0.1 boot1 (!)

Things are definitely different on these new models, so I guess you'll have to wait until it's figured out.

Some photos of the motherboard may be interesting, too, since we haven't looked at such recent models yet, but I'd completely understand if you don't want to open your calc :P

So, new Boot1 on the new HW-W hardware.

I hardly understand how the new Boot1 could interfere once within the OS... unless there are other differences.

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 11:55
de critor
Vérifie ton Boot1 : :nsho: :ns5: :ns4: puis bouton A propos.
Vérifie également ta révision matérielle : dernière lettre du timbre à date au format P-0000X gravé au dos à droite du numéro de série.


@RuneMasterGaming and snorecore
One possible way of fixing the problem will be to help the Ndless team figuring out what's different. I've shared a link to this topic in case they'd like you to run some tests.

One other possible way, especially if the differences are more complicated than expected, would be for the Ndless team to get a new TI-Nspire CX HW-W.

But unfortunately, when you buy a new TI-Nspire CX you cannot check its hardware on the back.
Could you take some nice pictures of the front of your TI-Nspire CX ? If there is any tiny design change, it could help the Ndless team to easily buy a new TI-Nspire CX HW-W.
Thank you very much.

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 12:16
de jaroslavN
wow , ndless 4.0 works on a HW-S P model ;)

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 19:12
de critor
@RuneMasterGaming and snorecore
Some little test to help the Ndless team figuring out where it's crashing.

Just remove or rename the ndless_resources file, and open the installer.

When closing the document with :nsct: :nsw:, the normal behaviour is :
  • a yellow/blue error message about the missing file shown in the top left-hand corner for much less than a second
  • and then, back to the home screen
So, does your calculator manage to show the error message and go back to the home screen, or does it also crash ?

Thank you.

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 19:22
de snorecore
It crashes immediately...

If you would like I have some logfiles from that shows boot logs and some other things if you'd like me to send them to you, I'd prefer to email them directly.

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 10 Fév 2016, 19:24
de critor
Thanks for the test.
Yes, the log files can be very useful.

You can send them to my email :

Thank you very much. :)

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 12 Fév 2016, 12:37
de JohnMan
Bonjour à tous,

On dirait que j'ai le même problème que certaines personnes pourtant j'ai bien suivi le Tuto.

J'ai une Nspire CX CAS PX-1115W et impossible d'installer Ndless( pas de message vert en haut à gauche de l'écran) malgré l'installation des fichiers dans un dossier à la racine.

Merci :)

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 12 Fév 2016, 12:40
de GalacticPirate
Effectivement, ces nouvelles Nspires "CR4" ont des secrets non encore percés qui font que Ndless 4 n'est pas compatible :p

Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0

Message non luPosté: 12 Fév 2016, 12:43
de critor
JohnMan a écrit:Bonjour à tous,

On dirait que j'ai le même problème que certaines personnes pourtant j'ai bien suivi le Tuto.

J'ai une Nspire CX CAS PX-1115W et impossible d'installer Ndless( pas de message vert en haut à gauche de l'écran) malgré l'installation des fichiers dans un dossier à la racine.

Merci :)

La calculatice redémarre quand tu tentes d'installer Ndless ? Ou passe directemet à l'écran d'accueil sans message vert ?