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Re: Sortie OS 3.20 Graph 90+E avec Python

MessagePosté: 01 Sep 2018, 18:52
de amazonka
I swapped resource data 3069 and 3070 order by exporting then deleting and importing the same but in oposite order and saved the dll while it still was in temp folder - I wonder if it will be enough to fool the update... however another problem is the emergency os update key combination does not seem to put my cg50 into update mode - has no affect whatsoever - can someone confirm the old key combo still works please? Also if someone know that the dll i modded above will be rubbish please let me know to spare me the trouble

Re: Sortie OS 3.20 Graph 90+E avec Python

MessagePosté: 01 Sep 2018, 18:59
de critor
Yes, the "OS error" key combo is the same.
It's very tricky because of the timings :
  • press and hold the restart button on the back
  • without releasing it, press and hold the
  • without releasing these 3 keys, release the restart button
  • now only release the
    keys together
  • wait a second
  • now finally release the
  • press and hold the
  • wait a second
  • release the
  • press and hold the
    You should now get the OS ERROR screen.
  • release the

Re: Sortie OS 3.20 Graph 90+E avec Python

MessagePosté: 01 Sep 2018, 19:02
de critor
Petit test de performances en calcul avec un algo de seuil par ici :

La Casio Graph 90+E est à peu près 3,5 fois plus lente que la NumWorks, ce qui n'est pas mal du tout quand on précise que c'est l'un des modèles les plus rapides. :)

Re: Sortie OS 3.20 Graph 90+E avec Python

MessagePosté: 01 Sep 2018, 20:10
de majestyofgaia
3,5 ça reste impressionnant ! Heureusement que pour le cours de maths, l'impact sera minim.

Re: Sortie OS 3.20 Graph 90+E avec Python

MessagePosté: 01 Sep 2018, 22:15
de amazonka
Thanks, critor. Managed to push my update. All went fine besides clear memory pop up but in exam mode program and python are still disabled. One thing I noticed is os version became 03.20.1202 instead of normal update giving 03.20.0202

Re: Sortie OS 3.20 Graph 90+E avec Python

MessagePosté: 01 Sep 2018, 22:24
de critor
Thanks for the information.

About the end of the displayed version string : (MM being the major, mm being the minor)

A: Zone (0=None, 1=Australia, 2=France, 3=North America, 4=China, 5=Singapour)
B: various math input/output features: 0 (n/a), 1 (slim), 2 (all), 3 (reduced), 7 (none)
C: build option: 0 (standard), 1 (development/special)
D: Hardware (0=SH3/SH7355, 1=SH4/SH7305, 2=SH4+color)

Since A=1, it seems you flashed the firmware image for Australia.
Either you missed a third firmware image in the .dll for France...
Either it's the same firmware for France and non-australian countries, with lots of hardware checks for the exam mode then.
It's this case you'll need to find and patch them.

Re: Sortie OS 3.20 Graph 90+E avec Python

MessagePosté: 02 Sep 2018, 10:39
de amazonka
Got you. Thanks. Judging by resources size there are just firmwares (Australian and not) plus a bootloader of much smaller size. Following the links you posted about patching firmware - do you know what decompilng software i can use instead of IDA FOR SH4 processor please?

Re: Sortie OS 3.20 Graph 90+E avec Python

MessagePosté: 02 Sep 2018, 11:02
de critor
I'm sorry, I don't. :(

Re: Sortie OS 3.20 Graph 90+E avec Python

MessagePosté: 02 Sep 2018, 16:10
de samourai3745
Le python est pas mal mais il y a des manques surtout pour la gestion graphisme qui n'existe pas :(
(là la numworks a sa place d'honneur :)

Re: Sortie OS 3.20 Graph 90+E avec Python

MessagePosté: 02 Sep 2018, 16:15
de parisse
Oui, mieux vaut alors utiliser Khicas qui propose des instructions graphiques pixelisees (point, segment, polygone, arc/cercle).