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ETK featured par TI

Message non luPosté: 07 Mai 2013, 20:09
de Adriweb
Je me promenais sur Facebook quand .....


archives_voir.php?id=9275 :P

Etre featured par TI : achievement get :D B-)

Pour info, c'est à propos du prochaine webinar concernant la programmation Lua : c'est, en France, le 8 Mai de 2 à 3 heures du matin (hé oui :P)
Plus d'infos : ... -4GjEDuWdI

Re: ETK featured par TI

Message non luPosté: 07 Mai 2013, 20:32
de AlexisVieira
...prochaine ewbinar concernant la ....

I think that is "webinar" wright? and what is a "webinar"?:s

Re: ETK featured par TI

Message non luPosté: 07 Mai 2013, 20:36
de Adriweb
a webinar (or, at least, TI's) is an online conference about any topic concerning their calculator, class products, math&science with technology, etc.
You can find some here : ... g/webinars

Re: ETK featured par TI

Message non luPosté: 07 Mai 2013, 20:39
de AlexisVieira
like a
Adriweb a écrit:a webinar (or, at least, TI's) is an online conference about any topic concerning their calculator, class products, math&science with technology, etc.
You can find some here : ... g/webinars

humm, thanks.
btw: congratulations :)