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Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postPosted: 11 Nov 2015, 23:11
by Adriweb

awinterstale33 wrote:Enter in a variable for a value instead of a number.

Possible, yes, however we had taken extra steps (deleting all variables when solving) not to allow it "trivially". Because it's using solve() to do the calculations, user variables may interfere and it would be bad to have some value already there as a value for the solved variable, for instance... But if you know what you are doing and you are sure it won't interfere with the solving, you can simply declare your variable (with a prefix, maybe ? Like "my_theta" instead of "theta" if you wanted that) and use Lock my_theta. That way, FormulaPro won't delete it before solving and you will be able to use it as a variable/value.

awinterstale33 wrote:Enter a global function for a value

That works the same way. Declare it and Lock it.

I've tested that successfully as well :)
Note that when you press enter it will evaluate the expression/function so you'll see the result directly, it won't keep the original input.

awinterstale33 wrote:Copy the formulas and paste them into another problem/page.
If not, could the lua script be edited somehow to allow this?

I'm not sure why this wasn't a feature already, but you can simply put this at the end of the on.resize() function and you'll be able to copy/paste stuff from the Formulas popup window:
Code: Select all
I'll update the GitHub repo and .tns soon. Edit: done (commit, download)

awinterstale33 wrote:Also, the website to build a database ( is not working anymore.

Oh, hmm, Jim was maintaining that, so I've asked him to see if he can restore it, and if I can, I may as well host it on TI-Planet somewhere.
The HTML+JS code is archived anyway, but there's a bit of PHP code for the tns generation that needs to be restored. He should reply soon.

Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postPosted: 12 Nov 2015, 08:06
by awinterstale33
Thanks for the quick response! I will give it a shot tonight.

Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postPosted: 20 Nov 2015, 18:48
by awinterstale33
Any luck wit Jim? Or is there another way to generate a database besides the website?

Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postPosted: 20 Nov 2015, 21:49
by Adriweb
Ah, yeah sorry, he gave me the files so I should be able to host that here somewhere while he's restoring things on his server :)
I'll update the topic once it's done (probably later today).

You can generate your DB "manually" by editing the Lua file, but it's going to take longer.

Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postPosted: 20 Nov 2015, 22:38
by Adriweb

Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postPosted: 21 Nov 2015, 06:52
by rafaelmarinho

Hi :)
This generator is working properly? I can't add new formulas. :'(

Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postPosted: 21 Nov 2015, 07:09
by Adriweb
Oops, fixed :)

Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postPosted: 21 Nov 2015, 07:26
by rafaelmarinho
Thank you, a lot. This is a Great work. Thank you again! :D

Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postPosted: 31 Jan 2016, 04:32
by awinterstale33

I forgot to say thank you!! Sorry, I got caught up with school and couldn't work on my calculating much. But thanks again!

Also, I was wondering how the progress with EEPro/Formula Pro was going in general. Or more importantly, if there is still any hope of MEPro for us Mechanical Engineers!? I wish I could take ME Pro apart and try to adapt it for the Nspire, but I can't make sense of it opened in notepad.

Re: Release of FormulaPro v1

Unread postPosted: 31 Jan 2016, 04:52
by Adriweb
Right now, the focus is on making/improving OpenSpire (≈ online GUI builder) and ETK (GUI Framework), which would then be used to create updates to FormulaPro (and possibly make an MEPro, but there is no planned ETA).
An initial version of OpenSpire should be available at the end of February...

But anyway, if a bug is found in the current FormulaPro (or a small feature request), though, we're listening and can hopefully quickly look at it.
A recent happening of that was a few months ago to add copy/paste support, as you know :)