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Re: New release: TI 68K program editor (TI-BASIC)

Message non luPosté: 17 Nov 2014, 18:33
de zorglub13

I am pleased to see that an recent editor is always in development for TI68k. I am a new TI Basic developer for this old but interesting platform... I was bored by the fact that the editor on PC I tried was unable to read the special or international characters in the code written on the graph89 emulator (the PC opening file was in error). I tried this editor and then I can go on extending my program on PC.

So, thanks for your work...


Re: New release: TI 68K program editor (TI-BASIC)

Message non luPosté: 18 Nov 2014, 15:17
de compsystems
Lionel Debroux a écrit:
I wish the application was made easier to improve by:
* providing the sources of the modified libticables directly from that page;

Peter the current developer's ti-editor says :
I have not changed the source-code of the library, I just patched 4 bytes directly in the binary DLL.
A simple compare of the original with the patched dll will show you the location and the differences:

195E: 01 -> 11
1961: 81 -> 91
1FAA: 01 -> 11
1FBD: 81 -> 91

This patch switches the COM-Port to a correct state, so that a Greylink cable will work.

Lionel Debroux a écrit:
* packaging the source code of TIEdit in a sane, interoperable format, such as ZIP. I know that TI-Edit is purely a Windows application, partially due to Tokens89 being what it is, but still, a Windows EXE file (!) is a poor way to package source code.

simply an exe file extractor to locate the source code in the installation folder of the editor
C:\Program Files\TIEdit\Source

Re: New release: TI 68K program editor (TI-BASIC)

Message non luPosté: 18 Nov 2014, 18:15
de Lionel Debroux
I have not changed the source-code of the library [...]

This gives me no easy clue about what upstream code needs to be changed...
The serial port support for Windows was rewritten by Jonimus a while ago, but the new version was not integrated yet. I guess I'll ask Peter to perform some tests of the new version.

simply an exe file extractor to locate the source code in the installation folder of the editor
C:\Program Files\TIEdit\Source

I know that. Still, a good old ZIP is easier to build, easier to extract, much more interoperable, etc.

Re: New release: TI 68K program editor (TI-BASIC)

Message non luPosté: 18 Nov 2014, 21:49
de compsystems

•fixed: some bugs on project file

Re: New release: TI 68K program editor (TI-BASIC)

Message non luPosté: 22 Nov 2014, 23:22
de zorglub13
Hi, very good editor... I used it to improve a music program and I don't find any serious bug. Juste a notice : a same file can be opened more than one time in the software, so saving the file is in error because the file is already opened in the second tablepane. Bye

Re: New release: TI 68K program editor (TI-BASIC)

Message non luPosté: 24 Nov 2014, 03:53
de compsystems
Please who can update the tiedit file to the latest versión 0.7.5 (2014)


Who of you know the language Dephi 7 PE , to make a parallel development to actual tiedit or enhancements


Re: New release: TI 68K program editor (TI-BASIC)

Message non luPosté: 24 Nov 2014, 04:19
de Adriweb
CompSystems a écrit:Please who can update the tiedit file to the latest versión 0.7.5 (2014)

Added description + screenshot, too.

Re: New release: TI 68K program editor (TI-BASIC)

Message non luPosté: 04 Déc 2014, 21:52
de compsystems

•fixed: some bugs on project file

Re: New release: TI 68K program editor (TI-BASIC)

Message non luPosté: 09 Déc 2014, 21:18
de compsystems
Patch template files for tiedit ... lators.rar

if you want to collaborate please carry these files to French or another language or for correct and to complement the language existing files, French.til, etc

files they are localled in

C:\Program Files\TIEdit\English.til ...

Re: New release: TI 68K program editor (TI-BASIC)

Message non luPosté: 28 Déc 2014, 05:29
de compsystems