
My calculator and I will be visiting Lyon soon

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Re: My calculator and I will be visiting France soon

Unread postby patrickdavidson » 13 Jul 2018, 20:00

So many choices ... so little time!
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Re: My calculator and I will be visiting France soon

Unread postby critor » 13 Jul 2018, 20:15

Indeed. What do you enjoy in summer ?

Because you've got everything in this tiny country. :p
Sees, ocean, mountains, rivers, cities, monuments, canyons, caves, rocky inlets, cliffs...
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Re: My calculator and I will be visiting France soon

Unread postby PT_ » 14 Jul 2018, 11:17

critor wrote:Indeed. What do you enjoy in summer ?

Because you've got everything in this tiny country. :p
Sees, ocean, mountains, rivers, cities, monuments, canyons, caves, rocky inlets, cliffs...

And if you're fast enough, also football :troll:
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Re: My calculator and I will be visiting France soon

Unread postby patrickdavidson » 14 Jul 2018, 19:44

critor wrote:Indeed. What do you enjoy in summer ?

Because you've got everything in this tiny country. :p
Sees, ocean, mountains, rivers, cities, monuments, canyons, caves, rocky inlets, cliffs...

Hmm, there are lots of things I would like to see .. new cities, ancient buildings, open spaces, etc. ... though I'm not too interested in football though.
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Re: My calculator and I will be visiting France soon

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 14 Jul 2018, 20:25

Lyon, being the capital of Gaul in Roman times, at a point Paris (Lutèce) was a tiny village of fishers, has ancient buildings. Possibly more than Grenoble has, though Grenoble's christening spot from the 4th (3rd ?) century is definitely ancient :)
Lyon can be reached relatively easily from larger cities of south-eastern France, or even Paris, as you found out last time.
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Re: My calculator and I will be visiting France soon

Unread postby Wistaro » 14 Jul 2018, 20:37

patrickdavidson wrote:
critor wrote:Indeed. :)

Where are you both staying ?

Not sure yet. I've already been to Paris and Grenoble so maybe somewhere else this time, though perhaps there is still something in those cities I missed last time :)

Toulouse is also a beautiful city :p
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Re: My calculator and I will be visiting France soon

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 15 Jul 2018, 13:38

Au final, il va décider en fonction de ce que nous on veut, et non ce que lui veut :'D
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Re: My calculator and I will be visiting France soon

Unread postby patrickdavidson » 15 Jul 2018, 22:33

I suppose there is only one way to decide:

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Re: My calculator and I will be visiting France soon

Unread postby patrickdavidson » 16 Jul 2018, 01:38

Lionel Debroux wrote:Lyon, being the capital of Gaul in Roman times, at a point Paris (Lutèce) was a tiny village of fishers, has ancient buildings. Possibly more than Grenoble has, though Grenoble's christening spot from the 4th (3rd ?) century is definitely ancient :)
Lyon can be reached relatively easily from larger cities of south-eastern France, or even Paris, as you found out last time.

Apparently my TI-85 agrees with you as seen in the image above :)
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Re: My calculator and I will be visiting Lyon soon

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 16 Jul 2018, 12:34

Yes, I agree :)
When will you (and your calc) come?
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