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Save calculations to log file

Message non luPosté: 01 Nov 2019, 21:19
de fredrik.ekelof

I wonder if it is possible to save calculations/input data to a log file through Lua?

A dummy example.

Lets say you observe the time when the street light turns on every evening. You enter the observed time into your program. You also have the program calculate the time the sun sets that day. You want to create a log file containing observed time, calculated sunset and time difference. The log file shall be used for later purpose.

I would prefer to save the log to a txt-file or similar that can be opened by other programs. I do not think Vernier DataQuest is really the solution for this as it seems its purpose is to collect sensor data and the spreadsheet seems a little to limited to be used as a log file.

Re: Save calculations to log file

Message non luPosté: 01 Nov 2019, 22:24
de Adriweb
Well you could save the data you want into a standard (TI-Basic/calc) list. It will be visible in the other apps as well. You can later retrieve it on your computer by loading the .tns file in the Nspire computer software.
But Nspire-Lua doesn't have "raw" file access, no.