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Manuf SDRAM size : up to 64GiB !

Message non luPosté: 27 Mai 2017, 13:42
de critor
The Manuf bytes at 0x840-843 specify the SDRAM config.
Values are :
  • FF FF FF FF for 32Mib on ClickPad/TouchPad
  • 12 80 01 FC for 64MiB on CX
  • 11 80 01 FE for 32MiB on CM and CX EVT (Color prototype)

New Boot1 4.0.1 has a Manuf reflashing boot combo ( :nsdo: :nsen: :ns0: ), which enables you booting the emulator with values it would have refused to start with.

Here's the logic :
  • if value at 0x840-843 is FF FF FF FF, then SDRAM is 32MiB
  • else :
    • take the 0x840 byte value
    • only keep the 6 lowest bits
    • SDRAM size in MiB is 4*2^((value/8)+(value%8))

With 0x12, 0x12=18, 18/8=2, 18%8=2, 4*2^(2+2)=4*2^4=4*16=64MiB
With 0x11, 0x11=17, 17/8=2, 17%8=1, 4*2^(2+1)=4*2^3=4*8=32MiB

For example, by flashing 0x3F you get the maximum :
0x3F=63, 63/8=7, 63%8=7, 4*2^(7+7)=4*2^14=4*16384=65536MiB=64GiB

And it works... in the emulator :
Code: Tout sélectionner
Boot Loader Stage 1 (
Build: 2015/7/20, 14:47:25
Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Using production keys

Last boot progress: 1065

Available system memory: 28072
Checking for NAND: NAND Flash ID: Generic 1 GBit (0xA1)
SDRAM size: 65536 MB
Wakeup Event: ON.
SDRAM memory test:   Pass
Clearing SDRAM...Done.
Clocks:  CPU = 132MHz   AHB = 66MHz   APB = 33MHz
Clearing SDRAM...Done.
Boot option: Normal

Hackspire doc updated : ... NAND_Flash

Do not try this on real hardware.
As you can see, the SDRAM lines are coming very early in the bootlog.
An error during such an early step is likely to prevent you from being able to reach the Doc+Enter+0 prompt or the ControlX menu, and thus to permanently brick your calculator.