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Re: nProtect, une alternative light à Hide Manager

Message non luPosté: 08 Juin 2015, 14:54
de BuizelON
Hello, can you make a version of nHide with the secret key combination "1" and "2". (press "=", then press "1", then press "2"). Thanks in advance. :)
Also, do you plan on releasing the source code of nProtect and nHide in case you ever become unavailable or someone wants to compile a version themselves.

Re: nProtect, une alternative light à Hide Manager

Message non luPosté: 10 Juin 2015, 10:40
de Excale
It won't work. "1" and "2" are shortcuts.

Re: nProtect, une alternative light à Hide Manager

Message non luPosté: 10 Juin 2015, 14:43
de BuizelON
Excale a écrit:It won't work. "1" and "2" are shortcuts.

Sorry. "=" + "Y" + "Z". Any comment on releasing the source code of nProtect and nHide?

Re: nProtect, une alternative light à Hide Manager

Message non luPosté: 12 Juin 2015, 23:40
de Excale
Sorry for the delay.
Here you go.

Any comment on releasing the source code of nProtect and nHide?

Actually, I just made one. Which makes my answer yes.

Re: nProtect, une alternative light à Hide Manager

Message non luPosté: 14 Juin 2015, 13:20
de BuizelON

Excale a écrit:
Any comment on releasing the source code of nProtect and nHide?

Actually, I just made one. Which makes my answer yes.

Okay, okay, why the secrecy? :D

Re: nProtect, une alternative light à Hide Manager

Message non luPosté: 14 Juin 2015, 16:15
de Bisam
That was just a joke... "No" was a comment... so that the correct answer to your question became "yes".

Re: nProtect, une alternative light à Hide Manager

Message non luPosté: 16 Juin 2015, 15:36
de BuizelON
Bisam a écrit:That was just a joke... "No" was a comment... so that the correct answer to your question became "yes".

I understood the joke, but I assumed the joke still implied that he does not want to talk about releasing the source code, because if Excale did want to talk about that, then he would have said more after the joke. So, I also jokingly asked "why the secrecy?", as in why keep the source closed? Of course, if I assumed wrong, then I apologize.

Re: nProtect, une alternative light à Hide Manager

Message non luPosté: 23 Sep 2017, 20:30
de Excale
Vu qu'il y a encore quelques personnes qui téléchargent ce programme, j'ai mis un lien vers nSonic2MS dans la description de l'archive.

Ce programme n'est plus supporté. EOL atteinte. :)