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Re: TI Nspire CX CAS python

MessagePosté: 04 Mai 2020, 20:58
de pablo76
C'est effectivement un gros manque.
Merci pour la réponse.

Re: TI Nspire CX CAS python

MessagePosté: 05 Mai 2020, 05:17
de Manaka Nemu
critor a écrit:Bonjour.

Si tu as mis à jour ta TI-Nspire CX en version 4.5.1, en effet il est à ce jour alors impossible d'y mettre le Python, mode examen ou pas.

Well, in fact now we have a method to downgrade the OS4.5.1. ;)
Not my passage, it belongs to a friend of mine. :'D

Re: TI Nspire CX CAS python

MessagePosté: 05 Mai 2020, 10:14
de critor
Thanks for sharing. Interesting. :)

Re: TI Nspire CX CAS python

MessagePosté: 05 Mai 2020, 10:22
de critor
Most users now have TI-Nspire CX CR4+ (hardware revisions W+).
Running Boot2 3.1 which doesn't support the new screen from Boot1 4.0 might be problematic.
I'm going to test as soon as possible, and then correctly feature this.

Re: TI Nspire CX CAS python

MessagePosté: 05 Mai 2020, 11:02
de Manaka Nemu
critor a écrit:Most users now have TI-Nspire CX CR4+ (hardware revisions W+).
Running Boot2 3.1 which doesn't support the new screen from Boot1 4.0 might be problematic.
I'm going to test as soon as possible, and then correctly feature this.

Thank you for make the method well-known. ;)