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Re: ICE Compiler

Message non luPosté: 15 Nov 2016, 16:45
de GalacticPirate
Ti64CLi++ a écrit:Nice PT_
Good chance for suit ;)

Euh, c'est anglais centre phrase ? Ça veut dire quoi ? :P

Re: ICE Compiler

Message non luPosté: 16 Nov 2016, 10:14
de Lionel Debroux
Je pense qu'il a voulu signifier "bonne chance pour la suite"...
"good luck going forward", "good luck for the next steps", "keep going on", "keep doing good work" seraient plus ou moins approchants et plus corrects.

Re: ICE Compiler

Message non luPosté: 16 Nov 2016, 18:08
de Ti64CLi++
Oui, désolé pour mon anglais.
Je voulais bien dire bonne chance pour la suite:
Donc good luck going forward

Re: ICE Compiler

Message non luPosté: 16 Nov 2016, 22:13
de PT_
Yay, time for another update!
I've fixed some bugs, added a little bit auto-optimization, such that if you use only once Input, it won't be in the program data but in the program itself, which saves 10 bytes. This happens too for Pause, which saves either 5 or 6 bytes (if the pause time is constant 6 bytes, otherwise 5). This is rather a small update, the next one would be v2.0 with some very nice features incoming :D
Also, I've changed the type hook, to avoid conflicts with PHASM, ICE now uses the GetKey hook, and not the GetCSC hook, because PHASM already uses that. The most important update is, that I've fixed the closing parenthesis bug. When you use for example "For(A,1,2)" it will generate an error, because of the ")". I've now changed the structure a little bit, and I hope it works now. Maybe there are some more changes, I'm not sure of ;) The Commands list is a bit updated, I've added the default value for colors/clipping. I'm not sure I've already added this in the previous version, but you can now use mean(), which calculates the mean of 2 expressions.

Have fun with it :)


Source: - licensed under GPL v3 :)

Re: ICE Compiler

Message non luPosté: 17 Nov 2016, 15:16
de grosged
Hey PT_ :)
I've just taken a look at your source on github, then I forked it in order to suggest little optimisations ;)
At the moment, I'm studying the file functions.asm : I think the insert routines could be faster but...the manner I think of would require disabling interruptions. As these insert routines are there for compiling only, what d'you think of it?

Re: ICE Compiler

Message non luPosté: 17 Nov 2016, 22:27
de PT_
grosged a écrit:Hey PT_ :)
I've just taken a look at your source on github, then I forked it in order to suggest little optimisations ;)
At the moment, I'm studying the file functions.asm : I think the insert routines could be faster but...the manner I think of would require disabling interruptions. As these insert routines are there for compiling only, what d'you think of it?

No problem, do what you want ;)

Re: ICE Compiler

Message non luPosté: 24 Nov 2016, 11:09
de Flip
Hello, I wanted to say that its impossible to make backups in the ICE compiled C programs, so It could be interesting to make a new kind of commands like "createappvar(" (just for example). It could be much more easy than type an hexadecimal ASM code to save highscores :) . Also, I've seen bug: the code below doesn't work (the sprites a totally random when displayed)
Code: Tout sélectionner
:Lbl 01
:"main program code"
:Goto 01

Is it normal ?

Re: ICE Compiler

Message non luPosté: 24 Nov 2016, 13:23
de PT_
External variable storage is something for ICE v2.0 which I'm currently working on ;)

And yes, that is normal. DefineSprite( is used during compiling, but you can't find it anywhere in the output program. Also, the Goto's and Lbl's are compiled just like how they are stored in the source. It's not true that whenever it hits a Goto, it searches the corresponding label, and start compiling from there. Conclusion is that you should use DefineSprite( at the totally beginning of your code, before displaying any sprite, otherwise it wouldn't work indeed. :)

Re: ICE Compiler

Message non luPosté: 24 Nov 2016, 16:13
de Flip
Thank you PT_ , I'm waiting for the next release, then :D

Re: ICE Compiler

Message non luPosté: 24 Nov 2016, 19:46
de sautax
There is a bug in your new version 1.2.4 with ram cleared ....
i go back to the 1.2.3