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Catégorie :Category: Maths TI-83 Premium CE / 84+CE / 82APy
Auteur Author: squishy
Type : Assembleur
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 24/08/2019 - 06:10:22
Téléchargements Downloads: 892
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
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Type : Assembleur
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 24/08/2019 - 06:10:22
Téléchargements Downloads: 892
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
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ATTENTION ! Si votre TI-83 Premium CE ou TI-84 Plus CE (Edition Python ou non), a l'OS 5.5 ou plus, vous ne pouvez plus lancer des programmes/jeux ASM directement ; il vous faudra d'abord lancer le jailbreak arTIfiCE.
WARNING ! If your TI-83 Premium CE or TI-84 Plus CE (Python Edition or not) has OS 5.5 or later, you will no longer be able to launch ASM programs/games ; you will first need to run the arTIfiCE jailbreak.
CAS for the TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE.
Allows to simplify algebra identities and like terms, manipulate complex numbers, expand things (A+B)(B+C) or (A+B)^8, evaluate large constants like 2 * 3 ^ 1001 or 100! that the calculator cannot do normally, and can take derivatives that are completely simplified and beautifully exported to avoid necessary multiplication signs or parentheses.
C Libraries needed:
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Allows to simplify algebra identities and like terms, manipulate complex numbers, expand things (A+B)(B+C) or (A+B)^8, evaluate large constants like 2 * 3 ^ 1001 or 100! that the calculator cannot do normally, and can take derivatives that are completely simplified and beautifully exported to avoid necessary multiplication signs or parentheses.
C Libraries needed:
Source code :
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