DONKEY KONG ASM WARNING: This game COULD (but really shouldn't and probably won't) freeze up your calculator. DO NOT SEND TO THE CALCULATOR IF YOU ARE NOT BACKED UP, OR HAVE DATA WHICH YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LOST. Author: Fred Lionetti Version: 4.0 Machine: TI-83, TI-82, TI-85, (TI-86 version still crashes) First public release: November 2000 at Description: Remake of the classic Nintendo arcade game. Setup: Send a shell to your calculator Send version for your shell Run From Shell Without a shell on the TI-83: Send DKASM.83g to TI-83. Make sure ZASMLOAD is in your calculator. (can be found at Run DKASM Please note: The score keeping feature does not work if not without Ashell. Story: Donkey Kong kidnapped the beautiful Pauline and has run away!! To save her, Mario must reach the top of the tower. Can Mario capture Donkey Kong and save Pauline? Controls: [2nd] - jump (hold down for extended jump; similar to the Princess in Super Mario Brothers 3) Right/Left - move Mario [Y=] - pause (show's score) Mallet can be obtained by jumping into it, and makes Mario invicible for a short time. Special thanks to: Nintendo, my Roomates Bill, Isa, and Gio, and you for downloading it. I hope you Enjoy. To contact me: TheSonOfVader on AOL instant messenger. If you find any problems or have any suggestions, e-mail me at Note: I will be in Bolivia on a mission for my church ( from July of 2000 till August of 2002. While I am there, I will be unreachable except for by snail mail. DO NOT SEPARATE THIS DOCUMENT FROM DONKEY KONG!!! Copyright (C) 2000 Fred Lionetti