# Geometry Dash for Ti-83 Premium CE and Ti-84+CE ## Keys __Main Menu__ - `MODE/DEL/CLEAR` : quit - `Left/Right arrows` : choose a level - `ENTER/2ND` : run the selected level - `ALPHA` : edit the selected level - `[+]` : create a level __Game__ - `2ND` : jump - `DEL` : return to the main menu - `CLEAR` : quit the program - `ENTER` : pause the game __Edition__ - `Arrows` : move the cursor and scroll - `ALPHA+Left/Right` : go to the beginning/end of the level - `2ND/DEL` : insert/delete a tile - `F1/F5` : change the selected block - `123456789` : shortcuts to insert some blocks - `[+][-]` : insert/delete the column under the cursor - `Alpha+[+]` : insert 10 columns under the cursor - `[*]([/]+ENTER)` : insert/delete a block at the top - `G/S` : insert/delete a change of context (G=Gravity/S=Spaceship) - `PRGM` : run the level - `ALPHA+PRGM` : run and begin the level at the cursor location - `MODE/CLEAR` : quit the level/program ## Compiling ### Windows First, install **[spasm](https://github.com/alberthdev/spasm-ng/releases)**. Then, move the executable into the root folder of GeometryDashCE and execute `spasm64.exe -E src/GD.z80 bin/AGD.8xp`. ### Linux First, install **[spasm](https://github.com/alberthdev/spasm-ng/releases)**. Open a terminal and type : - `make build` to compile GeometryDashCE and generate [AGD.8xp](bin/AGD.8xp). - `make send` to send bin/AGD.8xp to the calculator (requires [tilp](http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tilp/)). - `make build_send` as a shortcut of `make spasm ; make send`. - `make sendall` to send all necessary files to run GD (without compiling). - `make archive` to build a portable archive of GeometryDashCE. ## Information You can find all the levels created by the community [there](https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_list.php?cat=Jeux+Levels+Geometry+Dash+ce). The discussion around the project is available at [this link](https://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=19211). Do not hesitate to [contact me](https://tiplanet.org/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=52046). This program is under the [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). ## How can I create my own level on my computer ? - Download and install Tiled, a software that will allow you to create a level from a specific tileset. - In Tiled, create a level with a height of at least 10 tiles, then import the [tileset](images/GD.png) (Map -> New Tileset). - When you're satisfied of your level, export it with the .CSV extension. - Then, go to http://geometrydash.fr.nf and copy/paste the content of the .CSV file in the "data" field. Give it a name, a speed and a difficulty. - If your level has a spaceship or a reversed gravity context, put them in the provided fields : each time you want to insert a new context, just put the tile numbers of the context changes separated by commas (ex : "12,45,48,127" = [12,45[U[48,127[) - Once you download the Appvar, upload it into you calculator and.. you're done! > **Warning** > > Make sure you : > - do not end your level with a reversed gravity context > - are not in a reversed gravity and spaceship context at the same time > - do not put a changing of context just before the end of the level > **Note** : > > if the previous website is down, please use this one : http://geometrydash.alwaysdata.net
> If neither of the latter works, [please contact me](https://tiplanet.org/forum/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=52046).