-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bf - a simple one-pass BrainFuck interpreter for TI-92p and TI-V200 Author: Pierre Baudemont Email : pierrebaudemont@gmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Overview - Usage - Installation - Compilation ---------- Overview ---------- bf is a BrainFuck interpreter for the TI-92p and TI-V200 calculators, written in asm (68k). It uses the TIGCC "OS.h" header file. For some information about the BrainFuck programming language, visit for example : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck Features: - one-pass bf interpretation - usage of a buffer of 4096 bytes for bf operations - syntax errors detection and signalization (an appropriate message is displayed) - screen scrolling (so as to display more lines than the screen vertical size) ------- Usage ------- bf is easy to use on your calculator. You just have to give the name of the TEXT variable which contains the bf code to interpret, and it's done ! For instance, if you want to execute the file hello, just type : bf("hello") So to create a program, you can use the usual TI text editor. -------------- Installation -------------- To use bf on your calculator, you must transfer it first. As bf is a no-stub program, no kernel is needed. Just transfer the compiled program (bf.9xz) with an appropriate program. -------------------------- Compilation (with TIGCC) -------------------------- To compile bf, TIGCC is required. As bf uses the screen.a and vat.a static libs, you must compile them first. To compile screen.a: - go to the src/libs/screen dir - type : tigcc -ar save_scr.asm restore_scr.asm -o screen.a To compile vat.a: - go to the src/libs/vat/ dir - type : tigcc -ar vat_var_open.asm -o vat.a Finally to compile bf: - go to the src/bf/ dir - type : tigcc bf.asm ../libs/screen/screen.a ../libs/vat/vat.a It should generate a bf.9xz file in the src/bf/ dir. ----- If you encounter a problem with bf or if you have found a bug or an optimization, please contact me. I thank the TIGCC team for their great work.