===================================== REminiscence (Flashback recreation) ===================================== Port to TI Nspire CX by gameblabla Thanks to REminiscence, you can now play Flashback on your TI Nspire CX ! However... You need Ndless 3.1 or superior ! Ndless is not available for OS 4.3, you have been warned ! Make sure that all your game files is in a folder called "data". It is compatible with the DOS and Amiga game files but only the DOS version was tested. You must also add the ".tns" extension to all your game files. If you are on a Linux distribution, you can simply do that : cd yourgamedirectory rename 's/(.*)/$1.tns/' * BE CAREFUL WHEN RUNNING THIS COMMAND ! Then, simply place the file "rs.tns" next to the data folder. I would suggest overclock it a bit because it is quite slow on a non-overclocked calc. ========== Commands : ========== I have not played the game a lot so excuse me if the commands below are misleading or incorrect. DEL : Confirm Ctrl : Inventory Shift : Shoot ESC : Menu