Pover -- Prizm Overclocker/Underclocker I. How to use Simply use the UP/DOWN keys to change operating frequencies. 58MHz is normal speed. Left/Right control the ICLK CPU clock divisor. 1/3 is normal. You can clock up to 94.3 MHz safely, but you can technically go up to 101.5 MHz, and a CPU rate of 1/2. Changing the CPU rate isn't highly advised, but you can do it and most add-ins will work correctly. HOWEVER, changing the FREQ to 101.5 MHz, will likely result in Pover crashing the calculator upon pressing EXIT. I will note here, I am not responsible for any damage caused by overclocking when the warning there is given, but I put it there to do so at your very own risk, at many requests. The other values are just for monitoring the other Bus clock values. Most users can simply ignore them; but, if your calculator is suddenly acting weirdly, if one of these values is not marked "(NORM)" (besides the ICLK and FREQ), post a screenshot if possible, and what happened, and the different clock values at http://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7646 II. Credits Adam "Ashbad" Ruffa Brian "brijohn" Johnson III. contact Please just post in this thread. http://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7646 My email is ashbad.alvin@gmail.com if you need it.